NAIS Graduate Minor Requirements
Native American & Indigenius studies offers a graduate minor comprised of twelve hours with at least six hours at the 5000 level. It is expected that each graduate minor student and his/her graduate committee, at least one member of whom will be from NAIS, will determine the specific courses to be taken. It is recommended that one of the four classes selected be a 3-credit NAIS 5000, Independent Study. This class will provide a research experience in the discipline of Native American & Indigenous studies that may support a master's thesis or doctoral dissertation. The research expectation in NAIS can be satisfied by the 3-credit hour Independent Study and/or by the thesis or doctoral dissertation. All students considering the NAIS graduate minor should consult with their graduate adviser in their graduate department. Students should contact the Director of the Native American & Indigenous Studies Program so that NAIS will know that you are pursuing the degree and will be able to help and support you though the process.
See also:
University Catalog (NAIS)
Semester Class Schedules
Declaring an NAIS Graduate Minor
Please complete and submit the "Change of Adviser, Major, Minor, Option/Concentration, College, and or Graduate Status" form available on the Office of the Registrar's website.
Teachers of American Indian Children
Please view the information about the Graduate Certificate Program for Teachers of American Indian children.