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    Office of Sponsored Programs

    Hill Hall, 534

    Dept. 4330

    1000 E. University Ave.

    Laramie, WY 82071

    Phone: (307)766-3131

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    Awards Management Resources


    Award Management

    Successful Award Management ensures compliance to award terms and conditions, sponsors specific regulations and requirements, and University of Wyoming policies and procedures. Generally, Award Management is referred to as the “Post Award” phase of the life cycle of an award. Sound fiscal and programmatic management of sponsored projects is critical in maintaining the public trust in research results and outcomes, its trust as research participants, and its trust in how public and private funds are spent.

    The Award Management is a collaborative effort between the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), Department Fiscal Administrators/ Business Managers, and the Faculty.  The following needs to be considered once the award is executed to ensure the project is managed successfully throughout the project life cycle: 

    • Read the award document and become familiar with applicable regulations, terms, and conditions of the award. Also, note special terms and conditions that may be specific to the award.

    • Abide by the key terms and conditions of the award, such as the approved scope of work and budget, requirements, and regulations relating to prior approvals, reporting, payment, publication rights, etc.

    • Be familiar with the University of Wyoming's research and business policies, guidance, and procedures.

    • Ensure you are cognizant of your responsibilities and those of the University’s central research administrative offices.

    The Pre-Award Services is responsible for the review, negotiations, and execution of all sponsor awards received by the University. Pre-Award Services staff ensures all the necessary approvals and relevant documentation are received prior to routing the award documentation in RoamWyo to the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) for setup.

    Within 3-5 business days of receiving the award from Pre-Award Services, the responsible OSP Coordinator will review the award and enter the award information into WyoCloud-PPM.  Once an award is set up, the Principal Investigator (PI) and Department Fiscal Administrator/Business Manager will receive a "New Award Notification" email. The email informs them of the setup, provides them with the Project Organization Expenditure Type Task (POET) information, and requesting that they review the Notice of Award (NoA) in RoamWyo and become familiar with the award terms and conditions.


    Prudent financial management requires more than fiscal consideration. Making good ethical judgment and compliance to award terms and conditions are also critical components of good financial management. 

    Monitoring Project Expenditures - Department Fiscal Administrators, in consultation with the Principal Investigator (PI), should perform a periodic review and reconciliation of financial activities posted against their projects in WyoCloud Project Portfolio Management (PPM) to ensure that all project costs are appropriately charged to the account(s). WyoCloud Table of Contents (TOC) Project Expenditure Details report is a good tool for reviewing non-payroll transactions. The TOC Payroll Expenditures without Fringe report is a great report for reviewing salary information posted against a project. Reach out to your Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) Coordinator if you have questions and/or concerns with the information reflected on the report.

    If your project includes match/cost sharing, these activities must be monitored/tracked directly in WyoCloud-PPM using the associated cost share project linked to the award in WyoCloud-PPM. Reviewing the activities posted to cost share projects monthly or at least every other month, will help ensure cost share/match transactions are posting to WyoCloud-PPM correctly and are in compliance with specific guidelines/terms and conditions setforth in the award agreement.

    Charging Costs to your Project- familiarize yourself with sponsors specific guidance will help provide details of which costs are allowable on an award/project. If in doubt and/or have questions, contact your OSP Coordinator.

    If a cost is generally considered as a Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs, make sure to follow established guidelines for determining when it is appropriate to charge such costs directly to a project. 

    The Office of Management and Budgets (OMB) Uniform Guidance (UG), Cost Principles, Audit, and Administrative Requirements for Federal Awards include regulatory requirements for the planning, confirmation, and certification of effort associated with Federal awards. Effort directly charged to sponsored projects and any mandatory cost shared effort (i.e. committed effort that is not directly charged to the award) must be identified in the University’s Effort Compensation Compliance system (ECC). OMB UG-§200.430 describes how the University must document time and effort on federal awards. The guidance requires each grantee to maintain a system of distributing salary charges to federal awards that results in a reasonable allocation of salary charges to each award. 

    The Effort Compensation Compliance system (ECC) is the After-the-Fact effort reporting system used by the University for certifying that salaries charged or contributed to all sponsored projects are reasonable and consistent with the portion of total professional activity committed to the projects.

    Effort reports statements are generated and certified for all faculty, graduate students, administrative and professional employees, Non-exempt support staff, undergraduate students, paid on sponsored projects.

    At the University of Wyoming, effort confirmation is required at the end of each semester for all employees paid on sponsored programs.

    *University of Wyoming requires that effort certification reports generated in the Effort Compensation Compliance system (ECC) be pre-reviewed by the Primary Effort Coordinator (PEC) within 15 days of receiving the reports and certified by the Principal Investigator (PI) within 30 days of being routed to PI.

    The University understands that there may be exceptional circumstances that warrant an extension. Requests for extension should be sent to at least 5 business days in advance of the pre-reviewed and certification due dates.  Requests for extension will be granted only in extenuating circumstances.

    The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) team manages all cash-related activities of externally funded projects and associated match/cost share at the University of Wyoming. The goal is to maintain appropriate levels of cash flow and timely submission of all payments on sponsored projects while at the same time ensuring financial compliance with federal regulations, sponsor requirements, and University policies.

    Essential responsibilities of the Cash Management Team include:

    • Processing Letter-of-Credit (LOC) cash draws and web-based invoicing for Federal awards.

    • Prepare and file the quarterly Federal Financial Report (FFR) for the LOC awards, and perform funding, cash and expenditure reconciliations.

    • Process installment or cost reimbursement invoices for Non-Federal or Federal Pass-Through grants and contracts and act as the point of contact for billing inquiries.

    •  Process receipts of sponsor payments and ensure they are credited to the correct award and invoice.

    • Monitor sponsored project receivables and initiate collection process.

    • Manage Sponsored Programs bank account and perform monthly bank reconciliation activities.

     *For more details regarding Cash Management visit the FAQ page. 

    Most sponsors require financial reporting to determine the use of sponsored funds. The frequency of financial report submission is either monthly, quarterly, annual, or another reporting basis. The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) team is responsible for ensuring timely submission of financial reports in compliance with the federal, state, sponsor-specific, and/or the University’s policies and procedures.

    Principal Investigators (PI) are responsible for the timely submission of progress and/or technical reports as required by the award document.

    OSP ensures financial reports submitted to sponsors are:

    • Accurate and reflect the actual use of sponsored funds as recorded in the financial records of the University.

    • In compliance with the sponsor’s specific terms and conditions

    • OSP also confirms the submission of progress/technical reports to sponsors as required.

    At the conclusion of the award, after the final financial report is filed with the sponsor, and all financial obligations are satisfied, the OSP Coordinator is responsible for closing the award within the University’s systems- RoamWyo and WyoCloud-Project Portfolio Management (PPM).

    Award Closeout is a collaborative effort between the Principal Investigators (PI)/Department Fiscal Administrator/OSP. The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) will begin reviewing project details in preparation for the closeout process at 90, 60, and 30 days prior to the project end date and will be in contact with the Department Fiscal Administrator. There are various activities associated with closing out a sponsored project or award. There are usually reporting obligations to the sponsor, financial reconciliation, forms and reports for the institution, and account closeout tasks that must be completed.

    Reporting Deadlines are critical to the closeout process. PI/Department Fiscal Administrators should know the project end date. Prudent financial management of sponsored projects includes the timely and accurate submission of final reports to sponsors and account/award close out in RoamWyo and WyoCloud-PPM. These functions are tested as part of the annual OMB single audit as well as by other sponsoring agencies review when requested.

    As a best practice and to facilitate a timely and efficient closeout process, OSP highly recommends the following: 90 days prior to the project end date, the department fiscal administrator should become familiar with closeout requirements/responsibilities and review award terms and condition to ensure financial activities are in compliance with terms and conditions.

    For example:

    • Will a no-cost extension be required? If yes, reach out to the Pre-Award Services to begin the No-cost extension process. 

    • Have all expenditures posted- review all expenditures 30 days prior to expiration, remove any unallowable charges, and update HCM form, IT Billing, Printing & Copier, service centers, and purchasing cards for any recurring charges?

    30 days prior to the final financial report due date, OSP will:

    • Review and ensure cost share information is accurate in WyoCloud-PPM 

    • Confirm with Department Fiscal Administrator that final invoice from subrecipient (s) has been received and paid, if applicable.

    • Confirm with Department Fiscal administrator open purchase order close and the account reconciled in WyoCloud- PPM.

    • Review certain expense types to confirm allowability/compliance to award terms and will reach out to the Department Fiscal Administrator/PI with questionable items.

    • OSP will ensure all unallowable or overspent amounts are removed from the project sub-ledger.

    The University of Wyoming (UW) is subject to many different internal and external audits. The internal audits are carried out and managed by the UW Internal Audit department. External audits are conducted by agencies/entities outside of UW. The federal government requires any institution that expends more than $750,000 in federal funds during the institution's fiscal year completes what is referred to by the federal government as a “Single Audit”. The Single Audit requirements are outlined in Uniform Guidance- Subpart F. Since UW federally funded expenses exceed this threshold, the University is required to complete this audit annually. Because the university is an entity of the State of Wyoming, it is also subject to external audits being conducted on the state.

    Here are a few Audit Readiness Guidelines:

    • The audit begins at award setup when the Notice of Award (NoA) is received. Familiarize yourself with the award terms and conditions, review your award/project budget in WyoCloud-Project Portfolio Management (PPM) for accuracy.

    • Review expense transactions posted to your projects monthly or every other month for accuracy, legitimacy, and completeness.

    • Resolve issues immediately when discover or arise.

    • Create and document your procedures/business processes and make sure everyone managing or assigned on projects follow your documented procedures.

    • Maintain all supporting documentation for every transaction in a place where easily retrievable or identifiable.

    • Make sure supporting documentation "tells the story" such that anyone reading the documentation can confirm the transaction is allowable, reasonable, allocable, and consistently treated.

    • Ensure all Payroll and Non-payroll Expenditure Corrections are well documented and justified. 

    • Review of National Science Foundation (NSF) OIG Audits of externally funded programs helps in identifying high-risk areas of grant management. NSF OIG audits are located at NSF External Reports and Audits Involving Awardees.

    All sponsored programs audit requests must be directed to Kim Puls, OSP Costing and Reporting Manager at 


    Uniform Guidance- §200.334 requires records pertinent to Federal awards be retained for three years after submission of the final financial reports. Reporting frequency is specified in an award document.  Departments must have processes in place to ensure all appropriate supporting documentation that fulfills the needs of the award are retained.

    UW Record Retention Schedule

    Subaward Process Overview

    Generally, during the proposal stage, the Principal Investigator (PI) identifies appropriate sub-recipient(s) based on scientific considerations, technical resources, ability to perform and complete the statement of work in the defined timeframe, and the cost. The PI is expected to include the sub-recipient proposal(s) along with the full proposal and greensheet submitted to the Pre-Award Services. Pre-Award Services is responsible to review the sub-recipient proposal for completeness, accuracy, and compliance with sponsor(s) requirements and regulations. Pre-Award Services also makes a determination as to whether a subaward is the appropriate mechanism to be used or whether another form of procurement option is more appropriate.

    When an award is received and prior to issuing a subaward, the Pre-Award Services performs a comprehensive risk assessment of the subrecipient.  Components of the assessment include but not limited to, confirmation of subrecipient organization' registration in the federal System of Award Management (, most recent Audit and/or Financial Report(s) or Tax Returns, current Facilities and Administrative Rate Agreement (F&A). Note: If you are planning a subaward/subcontract with an organization that has not previously received US federal funding, it is highly recommended that the registration be completed at the time of proposal submission, especially for foreign organizations. This reduces the time it may take Pre-Award Services to complete the risk assessment.

    If the Subrecipient is deemed by Pre-Award Services as high risk, more frequent oversight is required throughout the life of the subaward. Pre-Award Services will work closely with the Principal Investigator (PI) to learn in greater detail about the subrecipient’s technical and business capacity to perform. Pre-Award Services may request a corrective action plan for high-risk areas identified. In instances where the subaward is issued after the award is received by the University of Wyoming, the PI works directly with Pre-Award Services to issue the subaward. If issued, Pre-Award Services forwards the executed subaward directly to the PI and Fiscal Administrator. Pre-Award Services/the PI/Fiscal Administrator is responsible to forward a copy of the subaward agreement to their Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) Coordinator for processing in WyoCloud. Pre-Award Services processes modifications to subawards, as needed and routes modification to OSP to enter the necessary changes in RoamWyo and WyoCloud as may be necessary. The Department Fiscal Administrator/Business Manager ensures necessary changes to the purchase order are processed if required.

    It is the Principal Investigator's (PI’s) responsibility to monitor Subawards to ensure the responsible stewardship of funds and performance goals outlined in the scope of work are adequately achieved.  The intensity and/or frequency of the monitoring is predicated on the sub-recipient's risk assessment results and subsequent changes impacting the risk assessment results during the life of the award.

    Generally, subrecipient are required to e-mail invoices not more frequently than monthly. As of May 1, 2021 any invoice that has been submitted to the OSP Subcontract invoice email ( will be routed to the PO Requestor and Payment Services.

    The PO Requestor will need to enter the receipt into WyoCloud. The requestor does not have to email the invoice to Payment Services since the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) will have already sent a copy.

    Payment Services will enter the invoice in WyoCloud to initiate the approval routing process. The approval process will route to the Project Manager (PM) as well as the Principal Investigator (PI) for approval. *Note if the Project Manager and Principal Investigator are one and the same, they will only receive one request to approve.

    Once all steps have been completed the payment will be issued to the sub-recipient.

    Invoices received by the department directly from the sub-recipient will still need to be emailed to Accounts Payable for processing.

    In addition to regular review of technical and progress reports, PI's are expected to use the invoice(s) to concurrently monitor the activities of sub-recipients, as necessary, to ensure funding received is being used for their authorized purpose and that the performance goals are achieved. OSP and Pre-Award Services perform annual subrecipient monitoring activities on all subawards as required by Uniform Guidance- §200.332                

    Note: PI and/or Department Fiscal Administrator/Business Manager are to take note of carryforward requirements to ensure final invoices are received timely for awards that do not have automatic carryforward authority from one budget year to the next.


    Subrecipient Monitoring- Department Checklist

    Confirmation from the Principal Investigator (PI) and/or Department Fiscal Administrator of the receipt of the final invoice from the subrecipient is a critical step in the subaward closeout process.  Department Fiscal Administrator/Business Managers must ensure the word "Final" is noted on the final invoice and the billing period noted on the final invoice covers the life of the award.  It is recommended that the final invoice not be approved for payment if the PI has concerns or is unsatisfied with the subrecipient's performance or final deliverables or reports not received from the subrecipient. PI should reach out to the Pre-Award Services immediately with any concerns relating to subrecipient performance and/or submission of deliverables or reports that are unresolved by the subrecipient.

    Roles and Responsibilities

    • Provides institutional leadership through ongoing training and advising on Post Award related matters to assure the university's continuing success in obtaining funding and managing sponsored projects.

    • Prepares and negotiates the Facilities & Administration (F&A) and Fringe Benefit rate proposals and negotiates final rates.

    • Setup all sponsored projects in WyoCloud-Project Portfolio Management (PPM). 

    • Prepares and negotiates the F&A (indirect cost) proposal and negotiates final rates.

    • Reviews expenditures in certain restricted budget categories.

    • Reviews/approves and monitors expenditure corrections.

    • Manages all invoicing, accounts receivable aging, and cash collection activities. 

    • Draws funds on letters of credit and reconciles accounts as required.

    • Prepares and submits all financial reports as required per award reporting terms. 

    • Manages the annual federal single audit process and other external audits and reviews

    • Monitors subrecipients single audit or other audit documentation on an annual basis and determine if any necessary course of action, if necessary.

    • Work with Principal Investigator (PI)s and/or State/Federal/Property Accounting as necessary to complete invention and/or property reports as requested by sponsors.

    • Works with Department Fiscal Administrators and PI on clearing overdrafts and revenue shortfalls.

    • Manages the closeout process for all sponsored projects and associated cost share/matching accounts.

    • Ensures completeness of award record in WyoCloud.

    • Provides institutional leadership through ongoing training and advising to assure the university's continuing success in obtaining funding and managing sponsored projects.

    • Identifies databases of grant information and makes them available to the university community.

    • Works with faculty and staff to match funding opportunities with sponsored projects.

    • Identifies extramural funding opportunities.

    • Reviews budget to ensure it is adequate and accurate to accomplish the scope of work and in compliance with all institutional and sponsoring agency rules and regulations.

    • Review proposal documents to ensure that all institutional proposal requirements and sponsoring agency rules and regulations are observed.

    • For collaborative proposals or when UW is receiving a subaward act as liaison with lead or other organizations Sponsored Program office.

    • Follow up with the Principal Investigator (PI) on requirements for IRB, IBC, IACUC, Export Controls, and other non-financial compliance areas.

    • For limited submissions, coordinates the selection process for the Vice President for Pre-Award Services.

    • Works with Purchasing to develop Small Business/Minority Subcontracting Plans as required.

    • Submits Small Business/Minority Subcontracting Plan.

    • Provides general assistance and oversight for sponsored project proposals, including budget review.

    • Approves F&A (indirect cost) waivers & reductions.

    • Submits all proposals on behalf of the University.

    • Identifies change in sponsors' terms and conditions for grant administration and notifies the University community.

    • Negotiates material transfer agreements (MTAs), non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), and Intellectual property.

    • Negotiates agreements for clinical trials.

    • Maintains a proposal database

    • Assures and provides documentation of certifications and representations to sponsor (For the approval of research involving human subjects, research animals, and biosafety hazards. This occurs following committee approval.)

    • Accepts awards on behalf of the Board of Trustees

    • Negotiates terms and conditions relating to University policies

    • Approves or denies preliminary spending requests.

    • Develops and administers agreements.

    • Prepares Small Business/Minority Subcontracting Reports as required.

    • Reviews and processes award modifications/amendments.

    • Assess and monitor sub-recipients to ensure compliance with terms and conditions of the award, including flow-down requirements.

    • Work with PI to obtain approvals for equipment purchases, travel, no-cost extensions, etc.

    • Approves substantive modifications and rebudgeting.

    • Participates in negotiations when technical reports are incomplete and deliverables are lacking or unacceptable to the sponsor.

    • Works with faculty and staff to match funding opportunities with sponsored projects.

    • Identifies extramural funding opportunities.

    • Prepares technical proposal.

    • Assures that the proposed project is appropriate in nature and scope and consistent with the departmental and institutional mission.

    • Assures that the proposed project has qualified personnel and adequate space.

    • Develops an adequate and accurate budget to accomplish the scope of work

    • Communicate with the Pre-Award Services if there is a question regarding the appropriate F&A cost rate, e.g. on-or-off campus rate.

    • Requests documents and approves for cost sharing/matching funds as required

    • Approves and provides documentation to RO for cost sharing/matching

    • Works with Purchasing to develop Small Business/Minority Subcontracting Plans as required.

    • Routes proposal for campus approval, allowing sufficient time for review before submission to meet the sponsor's deadline.

    • Prepares the final version of the approved proposal and multiple copies as required by the sponsor.

    • Prepares and submits protocols for research involving human subjects, research animals, and biosafety hazards.

    • Verifies submission of protocols to appropriate committee for research involving human subjects, research animals, and biosafety hazards.

    • Agrees to all terms and conditions, with emphasis on performance clauses. Includes frequency of technical reports, special professional staff hourly reports, deliverables, termination conditions, etc.

    • If notification of award is received directly by the PI, inform Pre-Award Services and forward award notice and related materials.

    • Prepares and sends gift acknowledgment letters as required.

    • Assures appropriateness, reasonableness, and allowability of expenditures.

    • Manages expenditures to not exceed available award balance.

    • Provides oversight of sponsored project administration, including cost transfers and Effort Statements.

    • Reviews and signs Effort Statements as required

    • Initiates requests for rebudgeting and cost transfers

    • Approves payment of subcontractor invoices.

    • Assures timely resolution of overdrafts and revenue shortfalls.

    • Prepares technical reports and provides other deliverables as required.

    • Reviews interim financial reports provided by OSP as required.

    • Documents cost sharing/matching funds as required.

    • Provides final accounting of cost sharing/matching to OSP.

    • Assist in the completion of cost transfers.

    • Work with Principal Investigators (PI) and/or State/Federal/Property Accounting as necessary to complete invention and/or property reports as requested by sponsors.

    • Assures timely resolution of overdrafts and revenue shortfalls.

    • Periodic review and reconciliation of award financial activities in consultation with PIs and reconcile accounts as required.

    • Works with Dean or Department Chair on clearing overdrafts and revenue shortfalls.

    • Submit to the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) documents supporting Third-Party cost sharing/matching funds as required.

    • Ensures final accounting of cost sharing/matching accurately reflected on the related cost share project in WyoCloud-Project Portfolio Management (PPM).



    Financial Management & HCM

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    Effort Compensation Compliance

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    Contact Us

    Office of Sponsored Programs

    Hill Hall, 534

    Dept. 4330

    1000 E. University Ave.

    Laramie, WY 82071

    Phone: (307)766-3131

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