WyoCloud access – email Melanie Austin, MelAust@uwyo.edu
RoamWyo access – email Research Services, roamwyo@uwyo.edu
ECC access – email ecc_help@uwyo.edu
The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) will need to know all budget categories if not provided with original award documentation. OSP will also need to know the fund class, fund source, and organization that will be used to fund the cost-share.
If more than one source will be used, OSP will need to know all sources and the amounts that will be funded from each source.
Cost sharing represents that portion of the total project costs not borne by the Sponsor. Cost sharing is typically in the form of actual cash expenditure of funds. For additional guidance on Federal regulations please see the link to the OMB Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards.
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a clarification memo in 2001 that stated "most Federally-funded research programs should have some level of committed faculty (or senior researcher) effort, paid or unpaid by the Federal government." In addition, The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grants Policy Statement notes that "...'zero percent' effort or 'as needed effort; is not an acceptable level of involvement for 'key personnel'.
These requirements do not apply to:
An expenditure correction is an after-the-fact reallocation of an expense, either salary or non-salary costs, associated with a sponsored project after the expense was initially charged to another sponsored program or non-sponsored project. All expenditure corrections should be made within 90 days of the original charge.
The award terms and sponsor regulations generally provide guidance regarding the payment of tuition. However, if both documents are silent on the treatment of tuition, Uniform Guidance (UG) is followed.
There are two instances under the UG when tuition is allowed for graduate student
on a federal award:
1. When the sponsor specifically allows tuition charges on the award and the purpose
of the federal award is to provide training to selected participants (e.g., Training
Grants or Fellowships)-2 CFR 200.466
2. The recipient institution pays tuition as a fringe benefit for a graduate student
holding a Graduate Student Appointment- 2 CFR 200.431(j)
Allowable tuition is pro-rated based on the student’s level of effort. Example, if
a graduate student’s effort was allocated 50/50 on two awards, then the tuition cost
would also be allocated 50/50 on those same two awards. Fees are generally not allowed,
except on certain fellowships or directly related to the project.
When certain meals are an integral and necessary part of a conference (e.g., working meals where business is transacted), grant funds may be used for such meals.
Costs of entertainment, amusement, diversion and social activities and any costs directly associated with such costs are unallowable.
Participant support costs are direct costs for items such as stipends, subsistence allowances, travel allowances and registration fees paid to or on behalf of participants or trainees in connection with sponsor-funded meetings, conferences, symposia or training projects. Uniform Guidance -§200.75 clarifies that employees cannot be participants.
No. Participant costs are exempt from F&A on Modified Total Direct Cost agreements.
Per 2 CFR 200.456 Participant support costs, Participant Support costs are only allowed on an award when Participant Support is defined by the sponsor in the Request for Proposal/Funding Announcement, or specifically identified in the award document. Per 2 CFR 200.68 Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC), F&A is not allowed on Participant Support costs.
If the check is for an internal departmental account (not a grant), then it is processed by the department through the Cashier’s Office in Knight Hall.
If the check is for a grant, then it is processed by the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) office in Dept. 4330, 534 Hill Hall.
You can mail the check to our office by regular or campus mail to the attention of Melanie Austin, or you can put it in our drop box that is on the wall outside of the door of room 534, or you can deliver it to Melanie Austin at the front desk in room 534 Hill Hall.
For information regarding deposits not related to grants you can find more details on the Cashier's Office Website.
As of May 1, 2021 any invoice that has been submitted to the OSP Subcontract invoice email (uw_subaward_invoices@uwyo.edu) will be routed to the PO Requestor and Payment Services.
The PO Requestor will need to enter the receipt into WyoCloud. The requestor does not have to email the invoice to Payment Services since the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) will have already sent a copy.
Payment Services will enter the invoice in WyoCloud to initiate the approval routing process. The approval process will route to the Project Manager (PM) as well as the Principal Investigator (PI) for approval.
The PM will check to ensure the invoice is consistent with the subaward terms and conditions. The PI will confirm that the invoice is consistent with the work that is being completed. *Note if the Project Manager and Principal Investigator are one and the same, they will only receive one request to approve.
Once all steps have been completed the payment will be issued to the sub-recipient.
Invoices received by the department directly from the sub-recipient will still need to be emailed to Accounts Payable for processing.
The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) has created a step by step guide for this process.
Monthly financial reports are used by the sponsor for planning purposes to ensure your spending rate is on schedule with the proposed budget and reflects activity throughout the period of performance.
A final financial report is submitted by the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) to summarize cumulative expenses per cost category and, in some instances, validate final payment from the sponsor.
The research office will review the current agreement that is in place and will work with the Principal Investigator (PI) and Sponsor to request a No Cost Extension (NCE).
UW policy is to retain records related to Federal grant files for 3 years, per Uniform Guidance §200.334 and records related to Non-Federal grant files for 10 years after completion. The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) keeps files based on UW fiscal years. For example, with the new policy we would shred FY19 Federal files and FY12 Non-Federal files in FY22.
Uniform Guidance- Subpart 200 of the The Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards became effective December 26, 2014. This Guidance replaces OMB Circulars A-21, A-110, and A-133.
Uniform Guidance is divided into the following sections:
f funds remain after completion of the project and all deliverable have been met, the remaining funds are administered in accordance with The University of Wyoming's Residual Fund policy.
In cost reimbursable contracts, the University of Wyoming can only be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred during the project life.
(OSP) has created a step by step guide for this process.
ederal grant files for 3 years, per Uniform Guidance §200.334 and records related to Non-Federal grant files for 10 years after completion. The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) keeps files based on UW fiscal years. For example, with the new policy we would shred FY19 Federal files and FY12 Non-Federal files in FY22.