Physics & Astronomy

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Department of Physics & Astronomy Research Groups

The department features highly active research groups in

Astronomy/Astrophysics and Condensed Matter Physics

Astronomy & Astrophysics

  • Galaxies, Cosmology, and black holes

    Professors Mike Brotherton , Adam Myers , Danny Dale and Mike Pierce. Professor Myers' mainly studies quasars and other Active Galactic Nuclei which are powered by ultra-massive black holes at the hearts of distant galaxies. Quasars are visible across 95% of the known Universe, and visible back in cosmic history to a time when the first galaxies were forming. Quasars trace the physics of the Universe at huge distances, large timescales and extremes in mass and energy. Danny Dale uses space based observatories to study the spectral energy distributions and star formation rates of galaxies from the nearby universe to the distant universe. Mike Brotherton studies active galactic nuclei using telescopes from the radio to X-ray to understand the physics of the supermassive black holes at their centers.  Mike Pierce studies gravitational lensing and the formation and evolution of galaxies using optical and infrared camera and spectrographs in order to understand the evolution of galaxies over cosmic times."

  • Stars and Star formation

    Prof. Chip Kobulnicky uses wide-field infrared surveys such as from theSpitzer Space Telescope to understand the locations and conditions of star formation in the Milky Way, especially in regions of high obscuration that harbor massive young star clusters. His group also uses the Wyoming Infrared Observatory 2.3 m telescope (WIRO) to make long-term spectroscopic surveys of massive stars, shedding new light on their formation, evolution, and role in producing nature's most energetic events like supernova and gamma-ray bursts.

  • Astronomical Instrumentation 
    Prof. Mike Pierce designs and builds new state-of-the art astronomical instrumentation for the WIRO telescope and other facilities.

Condensed Matter Physics


Professor Yuri Dahnovsky  

Yuri Dahnovsky works on following research topics:

  • Andreev bound states in topological insulators-semiconductor Josephson junctions
  • Spin dependent transport (magnetoresistance and Hall effect) in helimagnets.
  • Charge transport in topological insulators.
  • Giant resonances in topological spin Hall effect due to electron-skyrmion scattering in two-dimensional Rashba spin-orbit ferromagnets.
  • Topological Hall effect in three-dimensional centrosymmetric magnetic skyrmion crystals
  • Many-body approach to correlated electron dynamics in quantum dot sensitized solar cells
  • Hot electron transport and two electron transport in quantum dot sensitized solar cells
  • Numerical solutions of ab initio Kadanoff-Baym equations for nonequilibrium Green's functions
  • Nonlinear optics of quantum dot and quantum dot sensitized solar cells: ab initio quantum electron dynamics
  • Effect of electron-phonon interaction on the efficiency of quantum dot sensitized solar cells
  • ab initio description of quantum molecular wires
  • Magnetic impurities in quantum dot sensitized solar cells
  • Equilibrium and non-equilibrium transport in nanostructures and molecular devices
  • Role of defects in perovskite sensitized solar cells



Professor Jinke Tang

Jinke Tang is an experimental condensed matter physicist and materials scientist.   He is interested in materials for quantum computing, quantum sensing, spintronics, optoelectronics and thermoelectric applications.  His recent research activities focus on topologically driven materials, highly correlated electron systems,  magnetic, electronic/phononic/magnonic transport, and optical properties of nanostructured and low dimensional materials as well as energy materials including rare earth permanent magnets and thermoelectric materials for energy conservation and conversions. 

Professor Wenyong Wang

Professor Wenyong Wang’s research interest is in the fabrication and characterization of electronic and photovoltaic devices based on nanostructures. He received a physics Ph.D. degree from Yale University in 2004, and prior to joining UW he has worked as a research associate in the Semiconductor Electronics Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Professor TeYu Chien

My research focuses on using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy as well as other surface physics techniques to characterize novel materials (solar cell materials, magnetic materials, van der Waals materials, topological materials, and high entropy materials) at the atomic scale. Research topics range from topological superconductors, magnetic skyrmions, Weyl semimetals, novel magnetic domains in two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) magnets, and atomic scale ordering in high entropy materials. Atomic scale understanding of the quantum states in these systems will provide insights in the underlying physics for eventual applications in various technologies.

Professor Jifa Tian

Professor Jifa Tian’s lab is an experimental Quantum Materials and Devices Laboratory, where we explore the exotic quantum properties of novel materials—including topological superconductors, two-dimensional van der Waals magnetic materials, and topological insulators. We prepare high-quality quantum materials and structures using both top-down methods (like mechanical exfoliation and dry transfer) and bottom-up techniques (such as chemical vapor deposition). Our team designs, fabricates, and tests functional quantum devices—from state-of-the-art qubits to spintronic devices—employing various nanofabrication tools (like electron beam lithography and photolithography) as well as advanced measurement systems (such as quantum transport measurement systems and atomic/magnetic force microscopes at cryogenic temperatures). The Lab’s ultimate goal is to harness these unique quantum states to revolutionize computing technologies, driving advancements in quantum computing and spintronics.

Professor Alexander Petrovic

Alexander Petrović’s Hybrid Quantum Materials Laboratory focusses on exploiting topological solitons – nanoscale particle-like excitations – for applications in quantum information processing and sensing. The team is especially interested in the spontaneous heterogeneity and exotic order parameters which may emerge in artificial low-dimensional heterostructures combining superconductivity and non-collinear magnetism. Ongoing research activities in the group include atomically-precise multilayer device synthesis, magnetotransport and microwave spectroscopies, as well as various electromagnetic simulation techniques. A key long-term goal is the development of a true broadband scanning probe instrument, capable of spatially imaging the electrodynamic properties of materials in the quantum limit.

Professor YuTsung (Rem) Tsai

Professor Tsai is a spectroscopist and synthesist with over ten years of experience in material sci-ence research. He is a material scientist with a seven-year focus in tandem solar cell research such as InGaNAs and 2D materials. Professor Tsai is the author of thirteen publications, including 5 first-author papers and two corresponding-author papers. Furthermore, he is the Principal Inves-tigator on €2 million in independent funding, and has served as an international collaborator with research groups in Europe, Asia, and the United States. Professor Tsai is also a lab manager with four years of experience in safety measure design and equipment purchasing for an industrial-oriented collaboration laboratory. Currently, Professor Tsai is an assistant professor at the Uni-versity of Wyoming and leads the 2D optic lab.



Contact Us

Physics & Astronomy

1000 E. University, Dept 3905

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-6150

Fax: 307-766-2652


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