Funding Opportunities

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Funding Opportunities

Opportunities will be listed below and announced via our mailing list as they become available. If you are a granting agency with funding opportunities for all types of scientific research, education, and outreach in the GYE, contact us and we’ll be happy to post your announcement here.


UW-NPS Small Grant Program

Our small grant program funds ~12 projects each year (up to $5000 each) for research in the Greater Yellowstone Area. We love to see proposals that address Grand Teton National Park research priorities and Yellowstone National Park research priorities, but that is not a requirement for funding. We strive to fund the best science, so if you have a great idea and well written proposal, send it our way!

We announce the RFP around December of each year. Awardees for grants up to $5000 are selected in March and the grant period is May 1 through April 30 of the following year. Join our mailing list to be notified as soon as it is announced.

2025 Request for Proposals

We are now accepting small grant proposals for 2025, due by January 24, 2025. For RFP details and to submit a proposal, go to the 2025 UW-NPS Small Grants in InfoReady.


Previously supported research

We encourage you to check out research by previous grant winners:

You can also view recent research supported by our small grant program.

Students studying in the College of Business Atrium


Boyd Evison Graduate Fellowship

The Grand Teton Association offers a fellowship of up to $10,000/project for graduate studies focused on documenting lesser-known aspects of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, including Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks, the John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway, and surrounding lands.


Raynes Wildlife Fund

The Meg and Bert Raynes Wildlife Fund in Jackson Hole helps maintain local wildlife populations by supporting research, education, and monitoring. Each year they provide small grants (average $4000-$5000) to researchers. If you have a project that fits their mission and guidelines, they would love to hear from you. Proposals are due each February 1.


RM-CESU Newsletter

Read the newsletter from The Rocky Mountain Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit for grant opportunities.


Glacier National Park Conservancy – Jerry O’Neal Student Research Fellowship

The Glacier National Park Conservancy – Jerry O’Neal Student Research fellowship aims to provide educational assistance (awards range from $1000-$5000) for students seeking to understand natural and cultural resource issues and how these intersect with human values at Glacier National Park, Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site, or Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument. Graduate students or superior upper division undergraduate students from a Rocky Mountain CESU member college or university are eligible to apply. Applications are typically posted around November each year and are usually due mid-February.


Contact Us

Research Station at the AMK Ranch

Open June through September

Mailing Address for letters (Checked weekly during summer season)

UW-NPS Research Station
PO Box 170
Moran, WY 83013-0170

Address for shipping packages via Fed-Ex:

Let us know when shipping packages as sometimes they are delivered to the PO Box instead of the Station.

c/o UW-NPS Research Station, Grand Teton National Park
1 AMK Ranch Road
Moran, WY 83013-0170


Laramie Address

Open year-round

UW-NPS Research
Box 3166
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071


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