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Community Stakeholder and Labor Engagement Plans

The Community and Stakeholder Engagement Plan (sometimes called a "community engagement plan" or a "community, stakeholder, and labor engagement plan") is a CBP component that sets forth the applicant’s plans and actions to engage with community-based organizations representing local residents and businesses, labor unions and worker organizations, local government, communities with environmental justice concerns, disadvantaged communities, and Native Americans. Communities, meaning both local communities—towns, cities or counties in geographically proximal areas to a project—and broader groups of interest, will need to be identified and scoped as part of the Engagement Plan. Project teams should conduct an initial stakeholder analysis to identify relevant stakeholders, assess initial partnership opportunities, and consider pathways for leveraging existing channels of community engagement and outreach. 

Guidance Documents and Sources

General Guidance Regarding the Community Engagement

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Creating a Community and Stakeholder Engagement Plan Guidance from the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management to aid in the development of community engagement plans, stakeholder analyses, and milestones.  Creating a CSE Plan
Best Practices: Public Outreach and Education for Geologic Storage Projects NETL guidance broadly addresses best practice on planning for and implementing community engagement in the context of CCS.   Best Practices

Executive and Other Administrative Orders Related to Environmental Justice

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Executive Order 12898 (1994): Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations Focuses federal attention on the environmental and human health effects of federal actions on minority and low-income populations with the goal of achieving environmental protection for all communities. Executive Order 12898
Executive Order 13985 (2021): Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government Directs federal agencies to assess and advance equity using federal resources. Executive Order 13985
Executive Order 14008 (2021): Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad Directs federal agencies to “make achieving [EJ] part of their mission by developing programs, policies, and activities to address disproportionately high and adverse human health, environmental, climate-related and other cumulative impacts on disadvantaged communities." Executive Order 14008


Community Entities, Organizations, and Programs Relevant for Community and Labor Engagement (Statewide)

University of Wyoming

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UW School of Energy Resources - CCUS Certificate Program  Applicants may be asked to highlight workforce training opportunities. Please refer to SER's growing list of low-carbon energy certificate programs, which includes the recently launched CCUS program.  SER - CCUS Certificate Program

Wyoming Business Council

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WBC Regional Directors  WBC's six (6) regional directors collaborate closely with city, town, county, tribal, and business and industry leaders to assist in community and business development and guide stakeholders in processes for the utilization of grants and state programs administered by WBC.   WBC Regional Directors
Community Review Program  Community reviews are a community-based planning and assessment process utilizing stakeholder interviews, surveys, and listening sessions to document and enhance the realization of community visions for development. The findings are summarized in a report made available through community websites. WBC performs two community reviews per year. Community reviews may provide a useful starting point for community development in communities seeking to adopt new energy industries, while the data supplied in the reports may be useful to industry partners seeking to learn more about and engage with host communities.  Community Review Program
WBC Services Team Support and focus on business retention, expansion, and recruitment among other outreach and services. WBC Services Team

Wyoming Department of Workforce Services

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Department of Workforce Services - Apprenticeship Program 

The Department of Workforce Services administers an apprenticeship program and may provide funding for apprenticeships and internships.  Apprenticeship Program

Wyo. Stat. 27-7-110

Right-to-Work: Wyo. Stat. 27-7-110 provides "No person is required to abstain or refrain from membership in any labor organization as a condition of employment or continuation of employment." 
Wyo. Stat. 27-7-110

Wyoming Community Colleges and Partnerships 

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Wyoming Innovation Partnership  Wyoming is a right-to-work state that fully supports the principles of fair wages and good jobs. Wyoming prioritizes local hiring to ensure projects support the communities where they are located.  In order to better streamline and coordinate post-secondary education and to provide for a diverse, highly skilled workforce, the Wyoming Innovation Partnership (WIP) was created at the direction of Governor Gordon in 2021 to modernize and focus Wyoming’s efforts to develop a resilient workforce. The partnership involves the University of Wyoming, the Community College Commission, the Wyoming Business Council, and Department of Workforce Services. The partnership is expected to produce new training programs in emerging energy technologies at community colleges across Wyoming.  Wyoming Innovation Partnership
Casper College Project teams should consider leveraging community college training programs and partnership pathways as an opportunity to reach local communities and develop a local workforce. Supporting workforce training and/or retraining at the community college level may increase accessibility to jobs created by the technology at issue, helping the applicant fulfill both workforce development and DEIA objectives, in addition to engagement.  Casper College
Central Wyoming College Central Wyoming College
Eastern Wyoming College Eastern Wyoming College
Gillette College (Northern Wyoming Community College District) Gillette College
Laramie County Community College  Laramie County Community College
Northwest College Northwest College
Sheridan College  (Northern Wyoming Community College District) Sheridan College
Western Wyoming Community College Western Wyoming Community College