The University of Wyoming offers a petition process for students who have taken courses at previous institutions. This process is for students who were awarded credit at UW (e.g. ELEC 1000, N/A) for a particular course and wish to have it reevaluated. The purpose of the reevaluation is to ask for credit to count as equivalent to a specific University of Wyoming course or requirement.
To participate, please review the criteria and process below. As this process can be time consuming, depending on the situation, please allow up to 4 weeks for processing.
Students must be UW students with a W number. Students need to either be currently matriculated or be an incoming student who has received an official transcript evaluation from the Office of the Registrar (OTR). If you have not yet received an official evaluation from OTR, please wait until that process is complete.
You must upload a copy of the syllabus for each course you are petitioning. Failure to supply a syllabus will result in your petition being delayed or rejected.
You must submit a separate petition for each UW course or UW requirement that you wish to satisfy. This means that if you have three courses that you wish to be re-evaluated, you must submit three separate petitions. If, however, you wish for two transfer courses to collectively satisfy one UW requirement (for example, a lecture + lab science course), you should combine the two transfer courses on one petition and submit the syllabi for both courses on that single petition.
After your petition is reviewed (and approved or denied), please communicate with your academic adviser regarding next steps with coursework.
Your materials will be forwarded to and reviewed by the appropriate department, office, or committee.
Once a decision is made, you will be notified of the outcome via your UW email account.
If your appeal is denied, no change will be made to your academic record.
If your appeal is approved, OTR will update your academic record per the approved
equivalency. If your Degree Works audit is not updated, it may just need to be refreshed.
Questions about this process should be directed to