Parking Services
Office Hours: (M-F)
Academic Yr: 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Summer: 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM
University of Wyoming
1602 E. Spring Creek Dr.
Dept. 4313
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-9800
Fax: (307) 766-7845
options for short term and day use parking:
Metered parking is available at various locations on campus to provide short-term parking. Meters are available at the following locations: Residence Halls, Hoyt Hall, Knight Hall, Coe Library, Fine Arts, Corbett Gym, Arena-Auditorium, Beta House, 12th & Lewis, and Animal Science. The fee for metered parking is $1.75/hour. Most meters are limited to 2 hour parking (check the individual meter to be sure). Notice: meters on campus can be paid for using the ParkMobile App, just look for the ParkMobile sign!
Find metered parking locations on our parking map.
ParkMobile kiosks for hourly parking is located in the Ivinson Parking Garage at 11th and Ivinson. There are no time limits on these spaces, and time may be extended as needed. You can either use the pay kiosk, or download the ParkMobile app to pay for parking.
ParkMobile payment through the app is also available at meters on campus. Simply park and pay though the app by selecting the corresponding zone instead of feeding the meter! Using ParkMobile at metered spaces is limited to two hours.
Enter your license plate in the ParkMobile app as it appears on your vehicle without dashes or spaces. Add the "T" or "A" for Truck or Alumni Plates, for example 1TPOKE. Save your license plate in the app for easy future parking.
The Express Shuttle is the quickest and most convenient way to get to campus. With free parking located at 30th Street and Willett Drive and 15th and Spring Creek, this shuttle provides continuous service to the Wyoming Union from the shuttle lot every 10 minutes. View all UWYO Roundup Services.
Gold Zone (upper two floors of the Ivinson Parking Garage), Brown Zone 104, Brown Zone 106 and Red Zones are now equipped with T2 Mobile Pay. Simply scan the QR code found on the "Pay Here" sign in the lot to pay for parking for the day. Find T2 parking locations on our parking map.
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations can be found in Brown Zone 101 and the Merica Hall Loop. Fees at charging stations are based on if you are a holder of a UW Parking Permit or not. Payment for charging is made using the ParkMobile App, simply select the zone that corresponds to your permit status and the amount of time you would like to park and charge for. Additional parking time can be added on the app! Find Electric Vehicle parking locations on our parking map.
Electric Vehicle Charging Station Fees:
No UW Parking Permit: Zone 9218
With A UW Parking Permit: Zone 9219
Day permits are available for $7.50 per day and allows the permit holder to park in
Gold, Brown, Orange, Red, Purple or Green zone parking spaces. View the parking map to see parking locations.
Please note that day permits do not allow for parking in reserved spaces or metered
spaces. Parking in an accessible parking space is allowed with a day permit only when the appropriate state/city
disability placard or license plates are displayed.
There are two primary types of day permits; online day permits and scratch off day
permits. The Frequently Asked Questions below may help you determine what option is
best for you. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions.
Scratch Off Day Permit Example
Online Day Permit - $7.50/day
Scratch Off Day Permit - $7.50/day
Online Day Permit - Yes, the online day permits can be purchased for any specified date range. However, the dates are required at the time of purchase.
Scratch Off Day Permit - No, the scratch off day permits are only valid for one day. The permit can be used at any time. No need to know the date in advance.
Online Day Permit - Purchase Permits
Scratch Off Day Permit - Transportation Services Office
Online Day Permit - Our online parking portal accepts MasterCard and Visa (including P-card for departmental purchases).
Scratch Off Day Permit - The Transportation Services Office accepts cash, check, MasterCard, Visa (or IDT for departmental purchases).
Online Day Permit - Individual or departmental login information (or create an account) , date selection, and vehicle information (including the license plate number).
Scratch Off Day Permit - No special information is required.
Online & Scratch Off Day Permit - All regular Gold, Brown, Orange, Green, Red, and Purple zones.
Please note that day permits do not allow for parking in reserved spaces or metered spaces. Parking in an accessible parking space is allowed with a day permit only when the appropriate state/city disability placard or license plates are displayed.
Online Day Permit - No, the online day permit can only be used with the vehicle listed on the parking permit.
Scratch Off Day Permit - Yes, the scratch off day permit does not require a specified vehicle.
Online Day Permit - Electronic file. There is no need to print the permit as it is “virtual” based on the vehicle’s license plate.
Scratch Off Day Permit - Hard permit; cannot be converted to an electronic file. Original must be displayed.
Online Day Permit - There is no need to display the permit. The permit is “virtual” based on the vehicle’s license plate number using. Find more information on License Plate Recognition.
Scratch Off Day Permit - Be sure to scratch off the month, the day, and year. Don't forget, these permits are only valid for one day. Hang the permit on your rear view mirror. Example of a properly scratched day permit.
Parking Services
Office Hours: (M-F)
Academic Yr: 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Summer: 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM
University of Wyoming
1602 E. Spring Creek Dr.
Dept. 4313
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-9800
Fax: (307) 766-7845