307-766-3036 | mda@uwyo.edu
June, 2017 to Present: Plan and coordinate tasks and projects for the Information Systems and Services program,
develop specifications for the database, web applications and other technical solutions,
and coordinate with outside partners on related efforts. Perform work related to
spatial ecology and GIS within WYNDD.
October 2007 to June, 2017, Spatial Ecologist: Responsible for species distribution modeling, geospatial data processing, and support
of day-to-day GIS work within WYNDD.
B.S. Geography, GIS Minor, Northwest Missouri State University, 2000.
M.A. Geography, University of Wyoming, 2005. Thesis: Reconstructing landscape-scale
tree invasion using notes in the Medicine Bow Mountains, Wyoming, USA.
Ecological modeling, web GIS, spatial statistics, landscape ecology, and vegetation dynamics.