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2022 Partners' Meeting

2022 Partners' Meeting

2022-partners-meeting-map-imageWYNDD held its 5th Annual Partners' Meeting in a virtual format on February 28, 2022.  Over 100 people attended the meeting.

The meeting opened with a welcome from WYNDD Director, Dr. Gary Beauvais. Dr. Beauvais followed with a review of WYNDD’s mission, an introduction of WYNDD staff, and an update on WYNDD’s budget status. WYNDD’s Information Systems and Services (ISS) Coordinator, Mark Andersen, provided an update on progress and priorities for the ISS team at WYNDD. WYNDD biological program leads then provided an update on recent projects and core work within their programs. Mark Andersen then provided a sneak peek of WYNDD's forthcoming "Map Explorer" application, which is expected to be rolled out to partners by the end of 2022. Dr. Beauvais wrapped up the morning with a discussion of WYNDD's bugdet status, funding model, and plans.

The afternoon started with three breakout groups:

  • Ecological Forecasting of Climate Change Impacts in Wyoming
  • Wildlife Monitoring -- Assumptions, Considerations, and Examples from WYNDD
  • Threatened and Endangered Invertebrates –- Current Listings and Petitions, and What Might Be Next

Following the breakout groups, the meeting concluded with a partner roundtable discussion provided partners with a chance to provide updates on their organizations.

Please check out the links below for video and handouts from the meeting. We look forward to seeing you in 2023!

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