2023 Partner Meeting

2023 Partners' Meeting

WYNDD held its 6th Annual Partners' Meeting in a hybrid virtual/ in-person format on 6 March 2023.  Attendance was 98 via remote (Zoom), and about 35 people in-person at the Marian H. Rochelle Gateway Center.

The meeting opened with a welcome from WYNDD Director, Dr. Gary Beauvais, and opening remarks from UW Vice President for Research and Economic Development, Dr. Parag Chitnis.  Dr. Beauvais followed with a review of WYNDD’s mission, an introduction of WYNDD staff, and a general update on WYNDD activities and budget status.  WYNDD zoologists Ian Abernethy (vertebrates) and Dr. Lusha Tronstad (invertebrates) then provided updates on their respective programs, followed by an update from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department on that organization’s recent actions and priorities.  Mark Andersen, WYNDD Associate Director and Information Systems and Services Coordinator, then gave an overview of database activities and status, which led into a demonstration of the new WYNDD Data Explorer application which will significantly improve partner’s abilities to access and use WYNDD data and information products.       

Following lunch, WYNDD Botany Program Manager, Bonnie Heidel, and WYNDD Ecology Program Manager, Dr. Paige Copenhaver-Parry, each updated partners on their programs, followed by an update from a series of federal managers on their respective agencies. 

The afternoon wrapped-up with participants breaking into four discussion groups:

  • What’s new in the world of rare, petitioned, and listed invertebrates in Wyoming
  • Improving access to available plant data for natural resource professionals
  • Future climate projections for Wyoming
  • Priorities for Wyoming wildlife: ESA, white-nose syndrome, and partner priorities

The meeting concluded with an open discussion of group topics, then adjourned.

Please check out the links below for video and handouts from the meeting. We look forward to seeing you in 2024!

Resources & Links


  1. Video: Welcome and Opening Remarks
  2. Video: WYNDD General Update
  3. Video: Vertebrate Zoology Program Update
  4. Video: Invertebrate Zoology Program Update
  5. Video: Partner Update (Wyoming Game and Fish Department)
  6. Video: Information Systems and Services Program Update
  7. Video: Species Photo Gallery Demo
  8. Video: Data Explorer Demo
  9. Video: Botany Program Update
  10. Video: Ecology Program Update
  11. Video: Partner Update (Bureau of Land Management)
  12. Video: Partner Update (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
  13. Video: Partner Update (U.S. Forest Service, Region 2 Update)
  14. Video: Partner Update (U.S. Forest Service, Region 4 Update)
  15. Video: Vertebrate Zoology Breakout Session
  16. Video: Closing Remarks

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