The Student Research Program (SRP) provides research experiences and assists Network faculty with development of courses with experiential laboratory activities that enhance student research skills and their understanding of the scientific process. Programs also provide opportunities to inform students about academic and career trajectories in biomedical and health sciences. Working with the Academic Core (AC), Developmental Research Project Program (DRPP), and Data Science Core (DSC) the SRP works to increase collaboration and access to expertise and research infrastructure across the Wyoming Network.
The SRP offeres opportunities and support for undergraduate research experiences at the UW Laramie campus for fall-spring and summer. Unique research experiences are offered in summer through collaboration with the WY Public Health Lab and individual REUs in specific labs.
M2AENAD Lab, PI: Dr. Grace Shearrer, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
Yana is running a multifaceted project aimed at testing non-invasive approach to assess glycemia, a predictor of type 2 diabetes. Based on the data collected in her project, Yana seeks to identify individual neurocognitive factors that drive high consumption of sugar sweetened beverages, the leading source is added sugar in American diet. Research aside, Yana loves going to gym and enjoying cozy weekend evenings with her husband watching anime, playing Civilization and watching peak memes.
Tank Lab, PI: Dr. David Tank, Department of Botany (also working with Dr. Sean Harrington, WY INBRE DSC)
I am largely interested in the evolutionary maintenance of rarity and genetic diversity,
specifically in the Penstemon genus. A majority of my research is in best practices
is transdisciplinary outreach and education, with experience in teaching and integrating
sequencing into undergraduate curricula and community college opportunites. Outside
of my research, I also work in the UW Writing Center and engage in printmaking and
creative writing!
Addictive Behaviors Lab, PI: Dr. Alison Looby, Department of Psychology
My research interests focus on food and alcohol disturbance (i.e., use of any compensatory behavior within the context of a drinking episode for the purpose of enhancing the effects of alcohol and/or compensating for alcohol-related calories) among college students, as well as understanding the cognitive mechanisms that initiate and maintain substance use. While I am still exploring career options, I am currently leaning towards going into academia or being a researcher at a VA Hospital. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, binge-watching trashy reality TV shows, and hanging out with my friends and family.
Attention and Learning Lab, PI: Dr. Cynthia Hartung, Department of Psychology
Our lab’s research focuses on the effects of exercise on those with and without ADHD on executive functioning. In the future, I hope to work in academia and continue to see clients. In my free time, I enjoy crafting, painting, and reading fiction.
Pharmacology/Biomedical Sciences Lab, PI: Dr. Sreejayan Nair, Department of Pharmacy
My research focuses on finding new targets to address diabetes complications, using different animal models. My career goal is to continue contributing to science by ensuring compliance and improving ethical standards in animal research. Outside of work, I enjoy gathering with friends and making Brazilian dishes.
Levy Lab, PI: Dr. Dan Levy, Department of Molecular Biology
My primary research is to study how cellular organelle size regulation works. I am particularly interested in how nuclear size and morphology are regulated under normal cellular conditions and disease states. Once I finish my PhD, I would like to pursue a couple of years of postdoctoral research, move to the industry, and lead my own research and development team. My interests outside the lab are reading fantasy and fiction and cycling.
Cherrington-Navratil Lab Group, PI: Dr. Amy Navratil, Department of Zoology & Physiology
Primary Research Interest: I currently work in a female reproductive laboratory. I primarily investigate peptidylarginine deiminase (PAD/PADI) enzymes and their regulation of female gonadotrope cells. I am looking forward to a future in clinical research for female reproduction. My interests outside of the lab: I enjoy being active, coaching junior tennis, and spending time with my loved ones and pets.
Analytical Chemistry, BASILE Research Group, PI: Dr. Franco Basile, Department of Chemistry
Research Project: metabolomics and lipidomics; imaging-MS (MALDI and MALDESI) In my graduate studies, I focus on Lipidomics, Metabolomics, and Imaging Mass Spectrometry in biological samples. With a background in Pharmaceutical Sciences, I aspire to build a career in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.
Reproductive Biology Lab, PI: James K. Pru, Department of Animal Science
My research focuses on enhancing our understanding of female reproductive physiology and related pathologies. Specifically, I investigate PGRMC proteins, which play crucial roles in female fertility and associated diseases, yet their mechanisms of action remain poorly understood. Looking ahead, I envision myself continuing in this research field, either as a postdoctoral researcher or as a research scientist in the industry. Hobbies outside lab: I love writing poetry.
Gomelsky Lab, PI: Mark Gomelsky, Department of Molecular Biology
I am currently developing bacteria-based cancer immunotherapy, with a specific focus on engineering Listeria monocytogenes to deliver anticancer agents to tumors. We hope the engineered Listeria will finally trigger the immune system to defeat cancer. I would like to become a professor in Oncology to develop more cancer treatments and mentor the next generation of scientists. I like hiking, doing picnic with my family and friends, and snow shoeing in winter.
Molecular and Evolutionary Biology Lab, PI: Dr. Dan Wall, Department of Molecular Biology
My current research interests are understanding how Myxobacteria differentiate between friends, family, and food—learning if and how they share nutrients with their symbionts but can recognize other bacteria as prey, including other Myxobacteria. To address these questions, I will study their genetics and tease apart cell-to-cell interactions with microscopy.
Interactive Realities Research Laboratory, PI: Amy Banić, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
I study the design of immersive environments in virtual reality, the embodied agents populating those environments, and their effects on learning, with a focus on language learning and related psychological processes, such as memory retention and foreign language anxiety. I am interested in pursuing a career in academia or at a national laboratory. Outside research, I enjoy hiking, rock climbing, and mountain biking.
Yun Li Lab: Motor Learning and Control, PIs: Collaborative Research with Dr Yun Li / Dr Qin Zhu, Departments of Zoology & Physiology / Kinesiology & Health
Primary research interest: Exploring the Impact of Physical Exercise in Alzheimer's
Disease use Animal Models and Patients, Career Interest: to be a Professor, Outside
Interests: I like getting exercise through sports, playing basketball, badminton,
skiing, etc.; Cooking.
Kara Pratt Lab, PI: Kara Pratt, Department of Zoology & Physiology
My research focuses on the development of the Xenopus tadpoles' visual system. Currently, I'm using electrophysiological-based approaches to study the retinotegmental projection, and how it functions as a part of the accessory optic system. I'm also characterizing the output of the tegmentum to ocular motor neurons residing in the hindbrain.