Tuesdays during the academic year | 1:00-2:00 pm MT | Virtual, via Zoom | Click here to join the drop-in.
FREE CONSULTATIONS open to all, including faculty, staff, and students.
Meet with with WySCI's director.
You can get advice, brainstorm, and recommendations for collaborators for topics including (but not limited to):
Assessment & evlauation
Broader impacts
Communicating with journalists
Connecting with school groups
Curriculum design
Designing figures & infographics
Grant proposals/grant writing
Graphic design tips
Poster and slide design
Public engagement
Public-oriented science writing
Sounding board for great ideas
And a lot more!
Have you used the Drop-In? Please complete this feedback form, to let us know what support you were looking for and what you got out of it.
Have you helped with the Drop-In? Please complete this reporting form, to let us know what support you provided.