"Your newsletter has been SUPER useful. I have really found something (often many things) I can use in every issue! It is fantastic!"
~Scicomm professor, South Africa
"Honestly, my favorite thing about this newsletter is how personal it sounds - like it's an old friend sharing some good news with you!"
~Science communication professional
Get weekly updates (during the academic year) that highlight upcoming scicomm events, trainings, and resources (including jobs, funding, and publication opportunities)!
"The newsletter helps me find potential training, continuing education, and job opportunities for myself and others. I'm grateful for the folks who put it together!"
~Mid-career science communicator working for federal agencies
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Newsletter Archive (displays the most recent academic year's newsletters)
Fall 2024 resource theme: Common Ground
Spring 2024 resource theme: Good boundaries
Fall 2023 resource theme: Connecting to the scicomm community
"[If this newsletter did not exist] it would be very hard to find a place with similar information."
~College student pursuing science communication career