There are lots of ways to get better at sharing science!

Whether you are looking for dedicated training to demystify the media or develop a social media plan, design a K-12 outreach project, or get better at talking about science with policymakers or other stakeholders, science communication training can bolster your confidence and skills. WySCI is here to connect you to trainings, collaborate on customized trainings, and more. Scroll down for training resources and our current trainings calendar.

Grant expectations: A scicomm training reason that might surprise you

Science communication training can also help PIs and their teams meet work expectations to maintain employment status based on grant stipulations. If you are looking for feasible, virtual ways of continuing productive work, and training is an option, consider science communication training for yourself and your team. You can scroll down for ideas or contact us for customized programming.

WySCI trainings


Enroll in our Science Communication Certification program!

Details here for joining the certification and/or the UW SciComm Slack community.


Looking for current trainings?

Check out the WySCI calendar or the WySCI weekly newsletter for events, trainings, and more from the WySCI partners and beyond. Contact us to have events added to this newsletter.


What is a WySCI training like?

To get an idea of the kinds of trainings WySCI hosts, you can also visit the WySCI calendar to view past events and trainings.


Not seeing what you need?

Have ideas for a training you'd like WySCI to offer?

Want to contribute to or organize a training yourself?

Contact WySCI! We offer customized trainings and many of our board members are willing to consult on broader impacts efforts directly. We also offer support for folks looking to offer scicomm trainings on campus and beyond.


Ongoing/asynchronous training options on and beyond campus

See the WySCI newsletter listings for recently posted, recurring or asynchronous options. These include a nature journal educator's forum, scicomm co-working sessions, and quite a lot more. 

Community & Public Health Journal Club. Students, staff, and faculty from all schools and departments are welcome! Connect with others who are passionate about Community & Public Health (CPH) at UW. With help from faculty and staff, dive into relevant topics in CPH in the popular and peer-reviewed media. Stay current on the latest CPH happenings at UW. Sign-up by emailing 

WySCI's SciComm Support Drop-In/"Office Hours"
Weekly during the academic year.| Virtual, via Zoom | Details

Contact Us

University of Wyoming
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307)-766-1121

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