Student Organization Funding


Applying for funding through ASUW can be an intimidating process. We hope that the information below can provide you step-by-step information for your student organization and what the process might look like depending on the kind of request your student organization is making. 

Student Organization Funding Board is now OPEN for applications for the Academic Year of 2024-2025! We at ASUW look forward to seeing everyone this year! 

For all Department Donations, please see form at the bottom of this page.

How Do I Apply For Funding?

There are 3 primary types of funding:

A) Event Funding

B) Conference/Competition Funding

C) New Student Organization Funding


Let's get started!


First, find your respective type of funding as indicated by the letter A, B or C.

Second, read through the short descriptions of your type of funding and the linked finance policy.

Third, follow the respective steps under your desired type of funding.

We look forward to funding your organization! 

A) How to Apply for Event Funding

Student Organizations can receive up to $10,000 in funding each year to hold events. Events should be educational or enriching, and open to the student body. The use of these funds must comply with the ASUW Student Organization Funding Board Policy. There are many stipulations for applying for event funding – consider reading through the ASUW Finance Policy before applying for funding.

The SO Event Budget Worksheet should be filled out and given to the Student Organization Funding Board via UW Connect. This sheet will help give ASUW representatives an opportunity to look at expenses for the SO's event. 

Step 1: Apply for funding 

Student Organization Funding Board event requests are submitted through a Qualtrics form. Complete your event application and once all the necessary approvers have signed off, your request will be forwarded to ASUW to be presented to the Funding Board. If you have any questions about the Qualtrics Application, please contact the Director of Student Organizations at

Step 2: Present to Funding Board/Senate after you get approval 

Any funding request that is made to ASUW must be heard in front of the Student Organization Funding Board for approval. 

The Student Organization Funding Board meets on Wednesdays at 4:00 pm. Once you submit your request, you will receive an email from ASUW indicating the time that your SO will need to present to the Student Organization Funding Board. This presentation can be brief and casual so long as it provides accurate information as to where the money will be spent. Ultimately, this is your SO's time to inform the Student Organization Funding Board why they should approve your request. ASUW has provided suggested guidelines for presentations and a frequently asked questions (FAQ) sheet regarding the Funding Board to help better assist SO's with the funding process. 

Any request over $3,499 that is approved by the Student Organization Funding Board shall be subject to final approval by the ASUW Senate. The SO will need to present to the Senate in a similar fashion as the Student Organization Funding Board presentation on the Tuesday after their Funding Board meeting. Senate takes place on Tuesday nights at 7pm in the Senate Chambers in the Union, dress is business casual and funding requests generally occur within the first 30-45 minutes of the meeting. It is strongly recommended that a member of the Student Organization attend an ASUW Senate meeting to represent the SO, provide the Senate an explanation for why the SO has requested funding, the purpose of that funding, and answer any questions Senators may have. 

Violations of the ASUW Student Organization Funding Board Finance Policy can result in an SO being placed on the Advisory Term (pending some new legislation) or suspension of ability to request funds. SOs should read the ASUW Student Organization Funding Board Finance Policy, work closely with the Director of Student Organizations, and remain diligent in order to avoid these measures.

Step 3: Accessing Your Funds 

Once you have been approved by the Senate and/or the Funding Board, contact the ASUW Director of Finance at or the ASUW Executive Branch Advisor, Patrick Hamilton at

You will want to set up a time with these individuals to grab a p-card. This is the preferred form of payment whenever you are purchasing items through ASUW funds. To get a p-card, fill out the Credit Card Check Out form. 

If you or someone in your SO happens to purchase an item with ASUW funds not through the p-card, please fill out this Reimbursement Form. This process takes a long while so please be sure to use the p-card for any purchase. 

Step 4: Marketing Your Event 

All promotional materials for events funded by ASUW are required to have the ASUW logo and ADA compliance logo on them. 

If you are interested in marketing assistance for your event and collaborating with ASUW, contact the Director of Marketing at

Step 5: Post Event Responsibilities 

Student Organizations are required to fill out Self-Evaluations.The Event Self Evaluation Form should take no longer than five to ten minutes to fill out. 

All receipts and invoices are due to the ASUW business office within 30 days following the event. 

B) How to Apply for Conference/Competition Funding 

Student Organizations can receive up to $1500 per academic year for conference registration fees per SO. Disclaimer: ASUW funds allocated through the SO Funding Board for conference registration cannot be applied to travel, lodging, meals, or any other travel expense. 

Student Organizations can receive up to $2000 per year in competition registration fees (includes materials). Disclaimer: ASUW funds allocated through the SO Funding Board for academic competition registration cannot be applied to travel, lodging, meals, or any other travel expenses. They can be applied to monetary fees or physical materials for the competition registration.

For competitions, Student Organizations wishing to receive funds must show that they have looked for outside funding in various ways:

  1. If requesting $625 or less, the SO is not required to obtain any outside funding.
  2. If requesting between $625.01 and $1,250, the SO is required to obtain outside funding that is equivalent to 10% of the amount requested.
  3. If requesting $1,250.01 or more, the SO is required to obtain outside funding that is equivalent to 25% of the amount requested and the request must be approved by the Senate.

There are many stipulations for applying for funding – consider reading through the ASUW finance policy before applying for funding. 

Step 1: Apply for funding 

Student Organizations must submit a conference registration form to the qualtrics survey below. They can be dropped off in the ASUW office or emailed to

Step 2: Present to Funding Board/Senate after you get approval 

Any funding request that is made from ASUW must be heard in front of the Student Organization Funding Board for approval. 

The Student Organization Funding Board meets on Wednesdays at 4:00 pm in Warm Valley 202 in the Union. Once you submit your request, you will receive an email from ASUW indicating the time your SO will need to present to the Funding Board. This presentation can be brief and casual so long as it provides accurate information as to where the money will be spent. Ultimately, this is your SO's time to inform the Funding Board why they should approve your request. ASUW has provided suggested guidelines for presentations and a frequently asked questions (FAQ) sheet regarding the Funding Board to help better assist SO's with the funding process. 

Step 3: Accessing Your Funds 

Once you have been approved by the Senate and/or the Funding Board, contact the ASUW Director of Finance at or the ASUW Executive Branch Advisor, Patrick Hamilton at

You will want to set up a time with these individuals to grab a p-card. This is the preferred form of payment whenever you are purchasing items through ASUW funds.

If you or someone in your SO happens to purchase an item with ASUW funds not through the p-card, please fill out this Reimbursement Form. This process takes a long while so please be sure to use the p-card for any purchases. 

C) How to Apply for New Student Organization Funding

ASUW has a new student organization start up fund that allows new student organizations $200 to go towards initial marketing and food. Please see attached finance policy for details of how this money can be allocated (Article 6 starting on Page 10).

Funding Process Not Go Your Way? 

We here at ASUW are dedicated to serving the student body, and to helping the SO's which also help serve the students. We want to fund as many events and registrations as possible, but not everything can be paid for with our student fee generated budget. Furthermore, any formal declarations of probation or suspension are not meant to harm the capability of the SO to perform throughout the year. These measures are meant to help SO's learn the funding process and event planning process better, with an approach focused on student development. Please work with us throughout the funding process and beyond so that we can help you stay within ASUW guidelines and avoid risking probation or further measures altogether!

Looking to Donate to a UW Student Organization? 

Check out this link to submit your donation! 


Contact Us

ASUW Office

1000 E. University Ave. Dept 3625

Wyoming Union 020

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5204

Fax: (307) 766-3762


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