Doctoral Program Student Resources

Resources for All Students

Student FAQ

Students who do not enroll for courses in two consecutive semesters (not including summer) must re-apply to the University and C&I or Literacy programs through the following steps to be considered for re-admission:

  • The student MUST notify the C&I or Literacy (depending on what program the student is applying to) Office Associate when the application is complete so we will know to review it immediately.

  • Apply online to the University through: UW Admissions - Apply Students re-applying only need to submit personal information, agree to the terms, and submit the application.  Payment of the application fee, new letters of reference, submission of transcripts, etc. are not required.  Students should select the semester in which they'd like to begin taking classes again.

  • Email a letter describing why the student will be able to successfully complete the program at this time to (for C&I) or (for Lieracy). The letter can also be uploaded to the letter or personal statement section of the application.

Students' letters will be reviewed, and they will be notified by email of their admittance and any conditions determined to return to the program.Resources by Program

Resources for Graduation

  • Visit the Commencement webpage.
  • Form a graduate committee and fill out a Program of Study, being sure to include all core courses, and get committee approval. 
  • Complete all coursework on approved Program of Study.
  • The semester you intend to graduate, you must do the following:
    • Be enrolled in at least one credit.  If all of your coursework is complete, you can enroll in continuous registration.
    • Declare your graduation date through WyoRecords as early in the semester as possible (or the semester prior). If there are problems with any of your paperwork at this time, you will be contacted by the Registrar's office and/or the C&I Office Associate.
    • Fill out and have your committee sign the Report of Final Examination Form at the defense or at their approval.  Dissertation and Plan A Thesis students must sign the form, but Plan B non-thesis students do not need to do so.  This form should then be given to the C&I Office Associate for other signatures and delivery to the Registrar. This form is not needed if you are ONLY doing a graduate certificate.
    • Students doing a dissertation or thesis must submit their completed work to Proquest.  See the Dissertation Format Guide for details.  Plan B students do not need to submit their completed work to anyone but the committee.
    • Pay the graduation fee to the Registrar's Office.  Please contact them for details.
    • Students who wish to participate in the College of Education graduation ceremony should contact Britany Kathan.  The ceremony is held only once per year at the end of the Spring semester.  Students may graduate in Fall or Summer as well, but if they want to participate in the ceremony, they must walk at the next Spring commencement.

*All paperwork must be complete and submitted prior to the last day of class you wish to graduate.  This varies by semester but is typically the first week of December for Fall, the last week of April for Spring, and the first week of August for Summer.  Exact dates can be found on the University calendar.

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