CORE-CM Greater Green River and Wind River Basins: Advancing Strategies for Carbon Ore, Rare Earth Element, and Critical Mineral Resource Development in the Nation's Largest Coal Producing Basin
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Introduction • Resource Assessment • Technology • Business, Industry and Infrastructure • Communities, Social and Environmental Justice • Technology Innovation Centers • Outreach and Education • Workforce Development
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The Presentation features Task lead updates as they relate to the project, as well as keynote speakers covering topics of the economics of the affected coal communities, and an high level overview of rare earth elements nad critical minerals.
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The CORE-CM Workforce Development Presentation provides insights into strategies, partnerships, and resources for a new industry
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The CORE-CM Kickoff Meeting for the Greater Green River Basin and the Wind River Basin marks the launch to the project stakeholders.
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The Rare Earth Element and Critical Mineral Development in Wyoming webinar.
Social and Environmental Justice: An Examination of CORE-CM Communities
The panel gathers community leaders, academic experts, and federal representatives to discuss the topics of social and environmental justice as they relate to the Department of Energy (DOE) sponsored Carbon Ore, Rare Earth, and Critical Mineral (CORE-CM) projects.