Graduate Programs

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Welcome from the Associate Dean

Welcome to the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences! If you have reached this page and you are interested in Graduate Programs, you have come to the right place. I hope that you will find on this page either the information you are looking for or a link to that information.

Graduate Programs in the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences are managed through the College's Departments. For department and program-specific information, please see the links below for each program.

The University of Wyoming also has an School of Graduate Education that houses even more information about Graduate Programs across the University. This is a great place to find all of the University-forms and requirements to complete graduate degrees. When going to that site, just be patient and start clicking different links that look useful. You will eventually find what you need.

Here at the College, we have collected some additional information that may also be useful. That information is provided at the links below the program links. We are continuously trying to improve the information we provide, as well as keep it updated. So check back periodically to see what may have changed. Additionally, if you find information that is out of date or confusing, please let me know.

Finally, if you have any questions or concerns that cannot be readily addressed elsewhere, please contact me. E-mail is best but you may also call (307) 766-3186 or visit my office in EERB Room 401C.



David M. Bagley, Ph.D., P.E.

Associate Dean for Graduate Programs

Dual MS in Engineering and Physical Sciences / MBA Degree Program

This program is designed for University of Wyoming MS Engineering and Physical Sciences students looking to acquire advanced business skills to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors, management positions, gain competitive job market advantages and/or to generally have access to alternative career path options.

The MBA curriculum affords dual degree candidates access to a highly business relevant curriculum including strategic planning, business plan development, supply chain management, client engagement, capital expenditure analysis, business law, and project management. The program incorporates experiential, team-based learning to develop leadership, managerial, and decision-making skills in addition to opportunities for integrating their technical and business education. Additionally, individuals participate in an international business case study exercise and travel abroad as part of the MBA capstone course.

Students successfully completing the dual degree requirements are awarded with a Master of Science degree in their home discipline (e.g., CE, ME, COSC, etc.) and a Master of Business Administration degree.


Program Details

The dual-degree program only applies to the full-time, on-campus MBA program – it does not include the Online MBA program.

Admission - Prospective candidates for the dual MS/MBA program must receive an offer of admission from the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences and an offer of admission from the MBA program. In addition to admission documents and GRE scores required for both programs, the MBA program requires an interview.

Student Status and Tuition/Fees - Typically, in the first year the dual degree student is classified and considered as an "MBA Student" on university records and billed the prevailing MBA tuition and fees.  Then, during the second year the dual degree student is classified and administered as an "MS Engineering and Physical Sciences Student" on university records and billed the prevailing MS tuition and fees.  Note that MBA tuition rates are higher than those assessed for engineering courses.

However, in consultation with their advisors students may choose to pursue the MS degree first. In the event that the student elects to pursue their MBA in the second year, they will need to keep in mind program course sequence. For course sequencing considerations, students should keep in mind that the MBA capstone course is taken after completion of the first year of MBA studies. 

A sample program is provided below:

The dual program consists of a minimum of 59 credit hours and requires a minimum of two years to complete.

  • Year 1-MBA studies: Fall (16 credits), Spring (16 credits), Summer Project (3 credits) for a total of 35 hours.
  • Year 2 -MS studies: 21 engineering credits, plus the MBA Capstone (Fall, 3 credits) for a total of 24 hours.

Engineering Coursework - The 21 engineering credit hours will be specified by the student's MS committee, consistent with any relevant departmental guidelines for MS degrees. Coursework used for the MS Quickstart Program (dual counted for undergraduate and MS Engineering degrees) may not be included. Provided below are departmental guidelines for the engineering credit hours:

  • ARE/CE: Courses will be specified by the student's graduate committee.
  • ATMOS: Courses will be specified by the student's graduate committee.
  • CHE: Courses will be specified by the student's graduate committee.
  • COSC: Students must complete:
    • core requirements COSC 5110 and 5050 (6 hours)
    • breadth requirements: theory course, AI course, two systems courses (12 hours)
    • COSC 5000 seminar (2 hours)
    • Courses will be specified by the student's graduate committee.
  • ECE: Credit Allocation (21 hours minimum - all at 4000 level minimum)
    • Minimum 16 course hours in Electrical and Computer Engineering coursework
    • Minimum 3 course hours in formal coursework outside the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (MBA courses do not count toward this requirement)
    • No more than 12 credit hours can be at the 4000 level
    • No more than 3 credit hours of independent study
    • Courses will be specified by the student's graduate committee.
  • ME: Courses will be specified by the student's graduate committee.
    • Students must complete a minimum of 21 credits in engineering or science based coursework (e.g., Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, etc.) beyond the baccalaureate degree.
    • A minimum of 6 hours of classes will consist of Mathematics or Statistics
    • At least 15 hours of acceptable graduate coursework must be in the major field from your home department., and Mechanical Engineering courses
  • PETE: Courses will be specified in accordance with the Petroleum Engineering "MS Course Requirements."

Time frame – To complete 21 engineering hours plus the capstone MBA course in one year is extremely ambitious.  Most students will require about 2.5 years to complete the requirements for both degrees, and if the student chooses a Plan A MS (thesis option) as opposed to the Plan B (non-thesis option) assumed here, the time commitment to complete the MS research might require a total time commitment of as much as 3 years to complete all requirements for the two degrees.

Coursework App lied to both MS En gineerin g and A pp lied Science and MBA De grees. The following courses will be applied to both programs:

  • MBAM 5:XXX: Select one core curriculum course as identified with the MBA Program office (3 credits)
  • MBAM 5301: Summer Project (3 credits)
  • MBAM 5305: Capstone Course (3 credits)
  • (5XXX): College of Engineering and Physical Sciences program specific graduate courses (9 credits)

Graduation: All Graduate Regulations will apply to all courses within the degree programs.

Contact Us

College of Engineering & Physical Sciences
EERB 401 | Department 3295
1000 E. University Avenue
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-4253

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