Student Code

College of Business

Code of Professional Expectations for Students


The College of Business expects the highest level of integrity from our administration, faculty, staff, students, and alumni.  As students of the College of Business at the University of Wyoming, you are expected to conduct yourselves in a professional manner as described below and to adhere to the ethical principles of this College as well as the University’s Standards as outlined in the University Regulations.

The College of Business Code of Professional Expectations is built on the foundation of respect for others, personal responsibility, the creation and maintenance of trust, and honesty and truthfulness.  The administration, faculty, staff, students, and alumni of the College of Business at the University of Wyoming should strive to set an example of ethical leadership and professional behavior as those traits are essential for good social and business interactions.  Students should exhibit professional conduct,

In the classroom by:

  • Turning off cell phones and other potentially disruptive electronic devices unless they are being used for class or emergencies, being on time, staying through the entire class, not reading outside materials, and refraining from disruptive conversations.  (See UNIREG 30, Revision 1)
  • Showing respect for colleagues and instructors by listening to others’ points of view, staying attentive, offering one’s opinion in a courteous, respectful manner, and avoiding inappropriate body and verbal language.
  • Being prepared (reading the assigned materials and doing the assigned homework on time), taking an active role in cooperative-learning activities, participating in class discussions, and understanding the importance and connectedness of course content.

In all curricular and co-curricular activities by:

  • Dressing appropriately and being on time for club and professional meetings, appointments, recruiting events, and job interviews.
  • Showing respect for faculty, staff, colleagues, and guests by using appropriate body and verbal language during club and professional meetings, appointments, recruiting events, and job interviews.

In the academic environment by:

  • Upholding academic integrity by avoiding intellectual theft of any kind.  Students will adhere to requirements for academic honesty as set forth in UNIREG 802, Revision 2.  Under no circumstances will violations to this regulation be tolerated. 
  • Avoiding cheating in any form: plagiarism (if you didn’t write it, cite it), falsification, unauthorized use of educational materials (for example, using a solution manual without permission), and facilitation of another student’s intellectual theft and other violations set forth in UNIREG 802, Revision 2.
Contact Us

Department of Economics

College of Business Department 3985

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-3124

Fax: 307-766-4028


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