Final Semester

In your final semester, the deadlines are real and must be met. You must be registered the semester you complete your degree. The following are some important procedures to follow during your final semester.

Graduation Packet

At the beginning of your final semester, follow the stipulations of the Graduate Student Graduation Information page on the Graduate Student Resources website.

This page includes

  • a list of deadline dates (which vary by semester)
  • a link to the Anticipated Graduation Date form
  • a link to the ProQuest website to which you must submit your thesis
  • a link to the NORC survey of doctoral students, which you must complete


Graduation List: The Process

The Anticipated Graduation Date form must be completed by all graduate students intending to complete a degree. You are personally responsible for completing this form (including obtaining the signatures of your major professor and Department Head) and submitting the form to the Office of the Registrar. Your Anticipated Graduation Date form must be approved and processed by the Office of the Registrar before you can proceed with your degree check.

If you do not complete all requirements for the degree during the semester for which you submitted an Anticipated Graduation Date form, you must notify the Office of the Registrar in writing during the semester in which you do complete your degree.

Report of Final Examination Form: The Process

Please note that the Report of Final Examination form requires you to do several things, each of which takes time. The following is required:

  • A signature and recommendation (to confer or deny conferral of the degree) from each of your committee members. These signatures are usually obtained at or following the final examination or defense.
  • A degree check by the Office of the Registrar (make your appointment early).
  • Payment of the appropriate fees (must be paid prior to the degree check appointment).
  • Approval of your dissertation/thesis format prior to final duplication of your dissertation/thesis.   A detailed Thesis Format Guide is available on the Graduate Student Forms website.
  • Submission of your approved thesis or dissertation through ProQuest electronically and to the graduate coordinator electronically.  The Office of the Registrar will check the ProQuest copy and email you directly if there is any problem with it.

These requirements need not be met in the order given above, but all of them must be met before you can take the final step of submitting your Report of Final Examination form to the Office of the Registrar.


Final Evaluation Process

After you submit a Report of Final Examination form, the Office of the Registrar notifies the Graduate Faculty Representative that the electronic evaluation is available for completion.  Submission of this form does not affect the graduation of the student; it is for accreditation and other purposes.

Economics Graduate Commencement Policy

Graduate students in the Department of Economics at the University of Wyoming are allowed to participate in the COB Commencement ceremony provided they have successfully defended their thesis or dissertation.  In cases where the defense was successful but minor changes to the thesis or dissertation are required after Commencement, permission to participate in the ceremony will be determined by the student’s primary advisor and the Director of Graduate Studies.

Contact Us

Department of Economics

College of Business Department 3985

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-3124

Fax: 307-766-4028


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