Contact Us

Department of Economics

College of Business Department 3985

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-3124

Fax: 307-766-4028


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Economics Majors

Economics provides you with a logical way to think about your own personal decisions and world affairs—a mindset you can use your entire life. The science of efficient allocation, economics has much to offer students in the way of general and specialized preparation for positions in business, as well as government and the academic profession.

Business Economics Major

In addition to the courses listed below, Business Economics majors must complete the Common Body of Knowledge curriculum offered by the College of Business, and all university studies courses. Students must comply with course specific prerequisites for enrollment in upper-division courses and earn a minimum grade of C (not C-) in all economics courses.

Curriculum Sheet     |     Course Catalog

 Core Curriculum

Core requirements for the economics undergraduate major
Course Credit Hours
ECON 3010 3
ECON 3020 3
ECON 4240 3
Electives (ECON)
4000 level 6
Advance Business Electives
3000/4000 level 6
Electives (any college)
18 of 24 hours must be
3000-4000 level
Total 48

Economics Major

The department also offers an optional Quantitative Concentration, which builds on the core curriculum listed below.  All Economics majors must comply with course specific prerequisites for enrollment in upper-division courses and must complete all university studies courses, in addition to those listed below. Students must earn a minimum grade of C (not C-) in all economics courses.

Curriculum Sheet     |     Course Catalog


Core Curriculum

Core requirements for the economics undergraduate major
Course Credit Hours
ECON 1010 3
ECON 1020 3
ECON 3010 3
ECON 3020 3
ECON 4240 3
BUSN 4990 0
Electives (ECON)*
4000-level 15
Electives (any college)
18 of 51 hours must be
3000-4000 level
Total 81

*Econ electives are based on the concentration taken.


Optional Quantitative Concentration

Requirements for the Quantitative Concentration
Course Credit Hours
ECON 4230 3
ECON 4530 3
STAT 4015/4025 3
Any ECON electives
4000 level
excluding ECON 4420

For more information about our programs, please email Tyler Kjorstad (our department's Director of Undergraduate Studies) or call (307) 766-3124.


Contact Us

Department of Economics

College of Business Department 3985

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-3124

Fax: 307-766-4028


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