What drives you—what gets you out of bed each morning, fuels your hard work, and inspires you to plan for the future? For us, it’s the students. That’s why we strive to connect donors with programs at the University of Wyoming that not only benefit UW but also align with the values of our supporters. By matching your passions with purpose, we ensure that your generosity makes the greatest impact. Thank you for playing such an important role!
In the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, the University of Wyoming raised $61.6 million in private support from 27,646 donors—an increase of more than 4,000 donors from the previous year. Our five-year fundraising average has now reached nearly $53 million, and UW’s overall endowment stands at $833.5 million.
The UW Foundation continues to carefully and proactively manage the university’s private assets while connecting donors to the programs they care about most. Our success is your success, and on behalf of the entire university community, thank you. Your investment directly supports the students, faculty, staff, and programs that define the University of Wyoming.
To see the impact of your support, visit our website at www.uwyo.edu/foundation. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at (307) 766-6300 or email foundation@uwyo.edu.
We are so grateful to you. Go Pokes!
Annual Giving is the only fundraising program of the university that reaches all alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and friends each year to offer giving opportunities for direct support of UW's colleges, departments, and programs.
Read stories about Annual Giving donorsMaking a planned gift is a wonderful way to show your support and appreciation while accommodating your own personal, financial, estate planning, and philanthropic goals.
Read stories about Gift Planning donorsSome of the most significant impacts across the University of Wyoming campus have come from the remarkable support of corporations.
Read stories about Corporate donorsFoundations have made such a lasting impact on Wyoming’s students and the colleges, programs, and facilities that support them. Student by student, foundation-supported scholarships have built a wealth of human capital.
Read stories about Foundation donorsUW Foundation directors of development work closely with individual donors and with the university to focus on the priorities of each, helping to guide the significant and thoughtful commitments that have a major impact on the future of Wyoming’s university..
Read stories about Major Giving donorsBuilt on trust and transparency, stewardship is the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care, and at the university and UW Foundation, we are stewarding your private giving to the best of our ability..
Read stories about Stewardship