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The IECM runs in the following environments:

  • Windows XP (32 bit only)
  • Windows Vista, 7, 8, and 10
  • Using Wine or CrossOver: macOS, Linux and ChromeOS (using the Linux development environment)

MacOS, Linux and ChromeOS users: you will need to install the IECM under Wine or CrossOver. (CrossOver is highly recommended.) Porting Kit is also an option for Mac users. See the Readme file or our user manual for more details. You may also find it helpful to view the video on installing the IECM under CrossOver on our Tutorial Videos page.

The use of the IECM under Wine/CrossOver is not officially supported, however we will try to avoid doing anything that would cause it to stop working.

Are you having trouble running the IECM?

Like many small software developers, the IECM team has not invested the $$$ in a certificate to allow us to sign our applications. That may change in the future, but for now, Windows will say (correctly) that it cannot verify the publisher. However, Windows has recently become much more aggressive about this in some cases. This document describes a couple of confusing situations and what to do about them.

Also, some Windows computers come with a configuration called S mode, which will not allow you to run anything except software downloaded from the Microsoft Store. In this case, you will need to take your computer out of S mode in order to run the IECM.

Download Options

The following downloads are available:

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Documentation and License

Documentation is included with the IECM downloads. If you prefer to read it in advance, you may download the current License, Readme separately. You may also view the User Manual online.

Citation for IECM 12.0 beta

You may cite IECM 12.0 beta as follows:

IECM. (2024). Integrated Environmental Control Model (IECM) Version 12.0 Beta (University of Wyoming).

Citation for IECM 11.5

You may cite IECM 11.5 as follows:

IECM. (2021). Integrated Environmental Control Model (IECM) Version 11.5 (Carnegie Mellon University).

Notification of IECM Updates

You will be given the opportunity to subscribe to updates when you download the IECM, or you may contact us and request to be added to the mailing list.

Change Log

Changes Since Public Version 11.5

Technical Model Enhancements:

Fuel Database:
        • A variety of biomasses and waste coals have been added as new fuel options.
        • Proximate analysis data has been added for the newly added fuels and some existing coals in the database.
Pulverized Coal (PC) Plants:
        • Co-firing of up to three fuels has been added as a new option to evaluate coal-biomass co-firing power plants.
        • The boiler efficiency algorithm for non-oxyfuel PC plants has been improved. Primary fuel properties now include optional proximate analysis data to support the efficiency calculation.
        • A new life cycle greenhouse gas emissions module has been added to support the life cycle assessment of dedicated coal and coal-biomass co-firing power plants without and with carbon capture and storage.
Cost Index:
        • Plant cost indexes for 2021, 2022 and 2023 have been added. The default cost year is now 2023.
User Manual:
        • The user manual has been converted to a Windows help file which can be viewed from within the IECM and on our website.


      • Some titles and screens have been updated for clarity and consistency.
      • Oxyfuel PC plants no longer have a minimum sulfur requirement to allow more flexibility in retrofit situations.
      • The minimum cost year is now 1985, as the modules that used pre-1985 data are no longer part of the IECM.

Bug Fixes:

      • Automatic conversion between (tons/hr) and (tons/yr) has been disabled for Makeup Water for the Hybrid Cooling System. This conversion was incorrect due to the part-year nature of the wet unit.
      • A unit conversion error in Percent of Burned Carbon as CO on the Base Plant Furnace Factors parameter screen for PC plants has been corrected.
      • The coal pile runoff calculation in PC plants has been corrected so that it does not include the flow rate of natural gas for the Gas Reburn option.
      • On the Stack Diagram and Flue Gas Emissions result screens for PC plants, an error in the calculation of equivalent NO2 and equivalent SO2 has been corrected.
      • In PC plants, the model was not completely resetting when the plant design was changed from oxyfuel to non-oxyfuel.
      • The screens for Enhanced Oil Recovery are now displayed correctly for all plant types.

Changes Since Public Version 11.4

Technical Model Enhancements:

      • Capital cost adjustment factors have been added for eleven international regions. These factors modify the default U.S. capital costs. Users can override the new IECM default values and enter values for a new region.
      • Cost years 2018, 2019, and 2020 have been added, with 2020 now the default year for cost reports. Earlier years can still be selected, if desired.
      • In the NGCC plant model, a steam cycle heat rate has been applied to the "NETL ACC" option for dry cooling systems employing air-cooled condensers.
      • In the library of case studies, NETL Case B12B now uses Case B12A as a reference plant. NETL Case 12 uses Case 11 as a reference plant. This provides a default reference case for calculating in incremental costs of CO2 capture. Users can still provide an alternative reference plant, as before.

Model Portability and Interface Enhancements:

      • The IECM now runs as a portable application. Both 32- and 64-bit portable versions are now provided as zip files.
      • The Plant Location screen under Configure Session has been expanded to include the eleven new international regions as well as the current six U.S. regions and the user-specified "Other" region.
      • A new "View Parameters with Uncertainty" screen has been added to the Uncertainty Analysis Tools.
      • The "Choose Variables" screen in the Uncertainty Analysis Tools has been renamed to "View or Graph Samples" to clarify its function.
      • The right-click menu for parameters and results has been expanded to allow variables for sensitivity analysis and graphs to be chosen directly from the interface screens (as well as from menus in the Uncertainty Analysis tools).

Bug Fixes:

      • Several minor formatting errors in the interface have been corrected.
      • In the Selexol CO2 Capture option for IGCC plants, a coding error in the steam turbine capital cost has been corrected. Also, a tighter range has been put on the Max Train Size, and the Number of Absorbers has been made read-only to reflect limitations in the underlying capital cost model for that option.
      • A duplicate screen for the NGCC amine system flue gas composition has been removed.
      • An error in the default extension for user fuel databases has been corrected.
      • Escalation factors for cost years 2014-2017 have been corrected.
      • A crash when revisiting the "View or Graph Samples" Uncertainty Analysis Tool after turning off uncertainty for a previously viewed variable has been fixed.
      • A crash when editing specific values for a sensitivity analysis on a menu parameter has been fixed.

Older Versions

Although we encourage you to use the latest version of the IECM, we recognize that some folks need to use an older version, e.g. students who have been told to use a specific version for a class. The following versions are available for download:

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If you have saved sessions or fuel databases in a version of the IECM older than 8.0.1, you may download a conversion utility (19MB) to allow you to use these databases in newer versions. This utility only runs under Windows.

You may also view the License and Readme files for these older versions.

Contact Us

The IECM Team


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