decorative image with text that reads Zotero Feb 25 12:30-1:30p


decorative graphic with text that reads "Open Educational Resources"


UW Libraries recently awarded eight faculty members alternative textbook grants to implement open educational resources (OER) in their classes this spring and upcoming fall semester.

The open course materials and textbooks resulting from the grants are projected to save more than 225 UW students more than $49,000 per semester. Grants are awarded to instructors who adopt, adapt or create new open textbooks or other course learning materials.

Another round of grants will be awarded this spring for implementation in the summer and fall semesters. Grant awards will range from $2,500 to $5,000. Interested applicants are required to attend the “OER 101” workshop Wednesday, March 5, before submitting grant applications. Proposals are due Friday, March 28.


decorative graphic that saysStudio Coe’s Audio-Recording Space: A Hidden Gem of Coe Library


Did you know we have our own podcasting space right inside of Coe Library? Hidden in Studio Coe is a soundproof audio-recording space that students, staff, and faculty can reserve! Whether you’re starting a new personal project, working on a class project, or experimenting with creative storytelling, Studio Coe has everything you need to make it happen.

Read more about our podcast space on our blog.


UW Libraries

Connect with us:

Dept. 3334
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
(307) 766-3190
(800) 442-6757