College of Law
1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3035
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-6416
Fax: 307-766-6417
The United States Supreme Court and Conservative Postmodernism, Conference on Legal Theory at the Fin de Siècle, Birkbeck College, University of London, England (fall 1999).
A Brief History of Changing Conservative (Judicial) Politics, and the Transformation of Supreme Court Religious Freedom Cases: Law vs. Antisemitism Conference, University of Indiana at Indianapolis (March 2022).
The Roberts Court’s Transformative Religious Freedom Cases: Loyola University Chicago Constitutional Law Colloquium, held at George Washington University Law School (November 2021).
Justice Ginsburg, Judge Barrett, and Court-Packing: American Constitution Society, University of Wyoming: discussion (through Zoom) with students (October 2020).
Court Packing: American Constitution Society, University of Wyoming: discussion (through Zoom) with students (April 2020).
Free-Speech Formalism and Social Injustice: William & Mary School of Law Symposium, First Amendment Marketplace Morass (February 2020).
Free-Speech Formalism Is Not Formal: Drexel Law School Symposium, Not Your Father’s First Amendment (November 2019).
Panel Discussion of film, Marshall (about Thurgood Marshall): MLK Days of Dialogue, University of Wyoming (February 2, 2018).
Radio Interview on IdeaSphere: A Platform for Today’s Voices, produced by Guy Rathbun, for PRX (Public Radio Exchange): discussing my book, The New Roberts Court, Donald Trump, and Our Failing Constitution (September 19, 2017).
Radio Interview on What’s the 411, with Sharon Kay, WFSK-FM: discussing current politics and my book, The New Roberts Court, Donald Trump, and Our Failing Constitution (September 6, 2017).
Radio Interview on The Brian Thomas Morning Show, 55KRC: discussing current politics and my book, The New Roberts Court, Donald Trump, and Our Failing Constitution (August 30, 2017).
Radio Interview on The Mike Siegel Show, Genesis Communications Network: discussing current politics and my book, The New Roberts Court, Donald Trump, and Our Failing Constitution (August 24, 2017).
Radio Interview on The Josh Tolley Show, “with over 20 million listeners in 160 countries and in all 50 states:” discussing current politics and my book, The New Roberts Court, Donald Trump, and Our Failing Constitution (August 22, 2017).
Nothing New Under the Sun: The Law-Politics Dynamic in Supreme Court Decision Making: Pepperdine University School of Law (April 2017).
Fighting the Tofu: Law and Politics in Scholarship and Adjudication: Loyola University Chicago Constitutional Law Colloquium (November 2015).
Nationwide Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage—Panel Discussion (Moderator): University of Wyoming (October 2015).
Reimagining Free Expression in the Digital Age: A Self-Emergence Rationale: Third Annual Yale University Free Expression Scholars Conference (May 2015).
Discussant for Alexander Tsesis’s Balancing Free Speech: Third Annual Yale University Free Expression Scholars Conference (May 2015).
Equal Protection and Same-sex Marriage: interview with National Public Radio (October 2014).
Same-Sex Marriage in Wyoming: interview with Wyoming Public Radio (October 2014).
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Constitutional Conversation, Discussion Facilitator: University of Wyoming, American Heritage Center (September 2014).
Originalism and the Constitutionalization of Inequality: Law and Society Conference, Minnesota (May 2014).
Constitution Betrayed: Free Expression, the Cold War, and the End of Democracy: Second Annual Yale University Free Expression Scholars Conference (May 2014).
The Interpretation of Constitutional History, or Charles Beard Becomes a Fortuneteller (With an Emphasis on Free Expression): University of Virginia Conference, 100 Years of Charles Beard’s An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution (October 2013).
Law and Politics in the Affordable Care Act Case: Chief Justice Roberts’s Marbury Moment: University of Wyoming Consumer Issues Conference, Keynote Speaker (October 2013).
Free Speech, Democracy, and Political Conservatism: Two Ironies of Conservative Free-Speech Jurisprudence: Yale University Free Expression Scholars Conference (May 2013).
Chief Justice Roberts’s Marbury Moment: The Affordable Care Act Case (NFIB v. Sebelius): University of Wyoming Housel/Arnold Lecture (for CLE credit) (November 2012).
The Changing World of Law Review Publishing: University of Wyoming (September 2012).
Non-Belief and the Establishment Clause: University of Wyoming Presentation to Religious Studies Class on Non-Belief (April 2012).
Introduction to Law and Religion: University of Wyoming Focus on the First Amendment Conference (April 2011).
Conservative Eras in Supreme Court Decision Making: Employment Division v. Smith, Judicial Restraint, and Neoconservatism: Cardozo Law School Conference (October 2010).
Free Expression on College Campuses - Panel Discussion (Moderator): University of Wyoming (September 2010).
Great Expectations: Antisemitism and the Politics of Free-Speech Jurisprudence: Yale University (August 2010).
Free Expression and the University: Interview with CNN Radio (April 2010).
Neocons in Exile: University of Wyoming (November 2009).
Examining the Hollywood Ten: University of Wyoming, American Heritage Center (October 2009).
Free Expression and Democracy in America: The National Archives, Washington, D.C. (presented in partnership with the First Amendment Center/Freedom Forum) (May 2009).
Polarization and the Constitution: Georgetown/Maryland Discussion Group on Constitutionalism (fall 2008) (held at University of Oregon).
Constitutional Interpretation: University of Wyoming (November 2007).
Student Free-Expression Rights and Democracy: William and Mary First-Amendment Conference (October 2007); University of Wyoming (October 2007).
Unenumerated Rights: University of Pennsylvania Conference (February 2006).
Empiricism, Religion, and Judicial Decision Making: AALS Annual Conference, Law and Religion Section (January 2006).
Radio Panelist Discussing Difference Between “Happy Holidays” and “Merry Christmas”: RadioWest Show, on National Public Radio affiliate KUER, Salt Lake City (December 12, 2005).
The Tenth Amendment Cases: University of Wyoming (November 2005).
On Antisemitism—Panel Discussion: University of Wyoming (March 2005).
Free Expression and Religious Freedom: University of Pennsylvania Conference (February 2005); University of Wyoming (January 2005).
Potential Implications of the Presidential Election—Panel Discussion (Moderator): Wyoming Students for Progressive Action (October 2004).
Law, Religion, and the Death Penalty—Panel Discussion: Laramie Interfaith Alliance (October 2004).
Democracy and Free Expression in the Nineteenth Century: University of Wyoming (February 2004).
The Sacred Balance of Law and Religion? Panel Discussion: University of Wyoming (October 2003).
Workshop / Conference on Law and Religion, Program in Law and Public Affairs: Princeton University (February 2003).
Free Speech and Democracy: A History: University of Wyoming (October 2003).
Judicial Review and Republican Democracy: In Celebration of Marbury v. Madison: University of Wyoming (February 2003).
On Legal Scholarship: University of Wyoming (September 2003).
The Special Status of Religion in American Constitutionalism: A Historical Perspective: AALS Annual Conference, Law and Religion Section (January 2002).
Radio Interview on Christmas and the Separation of Church and State: Dave Rutherford Show (Canada) (December 13, 2002).
Doctrinal Innovations, Religious Minorities, and the Future of First Amendment Jurisprudence: University of Colorado (fall 2002).
Radio Interview on Christmas Symbols in Public Places: Ken Van Lith Show (Canada) (December 12, 2002).
Panel Discussion on Religious Freedom and the Scopes Trial: University of Wyoming (fall 2002).
The Constraints of Judicial Minimalism: University of Texas at Austin (fall 2001); University of Tulsa College of Law Faculty (fall 2001).
The Development of Religious Freedom as a Constitutional Norm, University of Denver School of Law, Denver, CO (spring 2001); University of Tulsa College of Law Faculty, Tulsa, OK (spring 2001).
The United States Supreme Court and Conservative Postmodernism: Conference on Legal Theory at the Fin de Siècle, Birkbeck College, University of London, England (fall 1999).
A Christian America and the Separation of Church and State: American Bar Association Conference on Law and Religion, San Antonio (spring 1999).
The Rehnquist Court and Jurisprudence: Rehnquist Court Conference, University of Tulsa (fall 1998).
Ideology From a Postmodern Perspective: Philosophy and Social Science Conference, Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czechoslovakia (spring 1998).
Antisemitism and the Separation of Church and State: Law and Society Conference, Colorado (spring 1998); Law, Culture, and the Humanities Conference, D.C. (spring 1998); Law and Society Conference, St. Louis (spring 1997); Judaic Studies Conference, University of Arizona (spring 1997).
The Hardest Question in Constitutional Law: Georgetown/Maryland Discussion Group on Constitutionalism (fall 1995).
A Critical History of the Separation of Church and State: University of Tulsa College of Law Faculty (fall 1995).
From Modernism to Postmodernism in American Legal Thought: Warren Court Conference, University of Tulsa (fall 1994); University of Tulsa College of Law Faculty (fall 1994).
Why Take a Postmodern Approach to Power?: 1994 Mid-South Philosophy Conference, Memphis State University (spring 1994).
Power, Religion, and the First Amendment: Georgetown/Maryland Discussion Group on Constitutionalism (fall 1993).
Whose Common Good? Racism in the Political Community: Conference on Policy in the 1990s, Harvard and Northeastern Law Schools (spring 1992); University of Tulsa College of Law Faculty (spring 1992); Georgetown/Maryland Discussion Group on Constitutionalism (fall 1991).
Republican Revival/Interpretive Turn: Wednesday Evening Faculty Discussion Group, University of Tulsa, Political Science Department (spring 1991).
Commentary on Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.: Faculty Colloquium on Holmes, University of Tulsa College of Law (fall 1990).
A Structural Tension in the History of American Legal Thought: University of Tulsa College of Law Faculty (fall 1987).
College of Law
1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3035
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-6416
Fax: 307-766-6417