Professor Person's Presentations

Libraries as Facilitators of Access to Justice, Association of Rural and Small Libraries, September 2017.

Legal Research Review, with Tawnya Plumb, Legal Assistants of Wyoming, April 2017.

Research Toolkit for Legal Practice, CLE, March 2017.

Laramie County Community College Paralegal Course Library Night, Nov. 2016

Faculty Colloquium on Book Publishing, Oct. 2016.

Cost-Effective Legal Research, CLE and student workshop, April 2016.

Find it Fast and Free on the Net: Strategies for Legal Research on the Web, CLE presentation offered through National Business Institute, December 2015.

Efficient Legal Research, CLE, April 2015.

Rural Action Coalition, brown bag lunch speaker, April 2015.

Wyoming Scholars Repository, Selected Works Workshop, with Tawnya Plumb and Kelly Visnak, College of Law Faculty Colloquium, Fall 2014.

Teaching Legal Research, Wyoming Paralegals Society, Nov. 2014.

Technology Tools in Law Practice, Albany County Bar Association, with Tim Kearley, Tawnya Plumb, Amy Pearce, and Edward Havugimana, Nov. 2012.

Find it Fast and Free on the Net: Strategies for Legal Research on the Web, CLE presentation offered through National Business Institute, December 2011.

The Struggle for Information Access and Instruction in Less Populous Areas, American Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting, July 2011

Legal Instruction for Public Librarians: Getting Started, Wyoming State Library Webinars, May 2011

Legal Resources: The Courts and Case Law, Wyoming State Library Webinars, May 2011

Legal Resources: Statutes and Regulations, Wyoming State Library Webinars, May 2011

Disaster Planning, Training, and Preparedness Panel, panel member, WestPac Annual Meeting, 2008.

Legal Research Crash Course, CLE, with Timothy Kearley and Tawnya Plumb, University of Wyoming College of Law, Laramie, Wyoming, March 28, 2008.

Western Legal History 101: Prestatehood Legal Materials: A Fifty-State Research Guide, panel member, WestPac Annual Meeting, September 2006.

Find It Free and Fast on the Net: Advanced Internet Strategies for the Wyoming Legal Profession, CLE presentation offered through National Business Institute, 2006.

Legal Research Review in Paper and Electronic Resources, Presentation, Annual Wyoming Conference of Municipal Courts Training Seminar, 2006.

Free Legal Research Online, Wyoming State Bar Summit and Judicial Council, with Timothy Kearley and Tawnya Plumb, Laramie, Wyoming, August 2006.

Find It Free and Fast on the Net: Advanced Internet Strategies for the Wyoming Legal Profession, CLE presentation offered through National Business Institute, 2005.

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Laramie, WY 82071
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