College of Law
1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3035
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-6416
Fax: 307-766-6417
"Protecting Civilians with Force,” presented at Conectas Colloquium XI, Sao Paulo, Brazil (October 2012)
“R2P and Emerging Democratic Powers,” presented at R2P, Libya and the UN Security Council:
Lessons Learned and the Way Forward, Washington (October 2011)
“Negative Implications of the President’s Signing Statement on the Sudan Divestment and
Accountability Act,” Committee on Financial Services, House of Representatives (February
“Genocide and the Rule of Law,” Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security,
Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives (October 2007)
“Assessing a Legal and Political Legacy of the Holocaust: Putting the UN Genocide Convention
in Perspective,” presented at Memory, History and Responsibility: Reassessments of
the Holocaust, Implications for the Future (Lessons and Legacies IX, November 2006)
“From Memory to Action: The Role of Holocaust Memory in Combating Genocide Today,”
Samuel & Lillian Solotkin Memorial Lecture, Borns Jewish Studies Center, Indiana University
(October 2006)
“Darfur: Who Will Survive Today?” Schwartz Holocaust Lecture Series, Rodgers Center for
Holocaust Education, Chapman University (September 2006)
“Creating a Constituency of Conscience,” Jack R. Fischel Lecture, Millersville University
(April 2005)
“Genocide Emergency, Darfur: Who Will Survive Today?” Robert Harris Memorial Lecture,
Sonoma State University (March 2004)
Memory and Conscience Distinguished Lecture Series, DePaul University Law School (March
“The Fragility of Democracy,” 27th Annual Holocaust and Other Genocides Series, Vanderbilt
University (October 2004)
“To Change Our World: Legacies of Liberation,” Schwartz Holocaust Lecture Series, Rodgers
Center for Holocaust Education, Chapman University (California) (September 2004)
“Preventing Genocide: The Role of the United Nations,” International Law Weekend, International
Law Association (American Branch) (October 2003)
“Confronting Modern Genocide,” 20th Annual Holocaust Lecture Series, Sonoma State University
(California) (May 2003)
“Tangled Roots of Transatlantic Discord: The United States, Europe and the International Criminal
Court,” Raoul Wallenberg Institute of International Humanitarian and Human Rights
Law, University of Lund (Sweden) (March 2003)
“Creating a Constituency of Conscience: The Role of Holocaust Remembrance in Combating
Genocide,” University of Copenhagen (March 2003)
“Diplomacy and the G-Word,” War Crimes Research Symposium, Case Western Reserve University
School of Law (February 2003) (published in CWRU Journal of International Law (2004))
Briefing on Sudan, Congressional Human Rights Caucus (April 2001)
“International Humanitarian Law: Another View of the Cathedral,” Distinguished Speaker’s
Symposium, Law for the Junior Officer, United States Naval Academy (April 2001)
Hearing on Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1998, Subcommittee on International
Operations and Human Rights, Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives
(February 1999)
Briefing on Negotiations to Create a Permanent International Criminal Court, Congressional
Human Rights Caucus (May 1998)
College of Law
1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3035
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-6416
Fax: 307-766-6417