College of Law
1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3035
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-6416
Fax: 307-766-6417
Master of Ceremonies, 2022 Landscape Discussion on Energy Law and Policy in the Rockies, Laramie, WY (October 2022)
Invited Speaker, The Law and Policy Challenges of Conserving the GYE’s Migratory Species, Sage Lodge Colloquium – Special Yellowstone Edition, George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School, Judicial Education Program, Pray, MT (September 2022)
Invited Participant, Workshop on Private Land Conservation, PERC, Bozeman, MT (August 2022)
Invited Speaker, NEPA and the Federal Public Lands, Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation Special Institute on Public Lands, Santa Fe, NM (May 2022)
Invited Speaker, Improving Cooperative State and Federal Species Conservation Efforts, 2022 The Future of the Endangered Species Act: The Next 50 Years, PERC, Bozeman, MT (February 2022)
Master of Ceremonies, 2021 Landscape Discussion on Energy Law and Policy in the Rockies, Laramie, WY (October 2021)
Invited Participant, Workshop on Natural Resource Non-Use Rights, PERC, Bozeman, MT (September 2021) Energy Policy Institute/Center for Advanced Energy Studies, Power Talk Series, 2020 NEPA Regulations:
Potential Changes and Implications for Energy, Online, (March 2021)
Invited Panelists, The Department of the Interior in a Time of Transition: The Future of Oil and Gas
Public Lands, and Wildlife Law, Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation, Webinar (February, 2021)
Invited Participant, Virtual Workshop on Natural Resource Non-Use Rights, PERC, Online (Fall 2020)
Invited Panelist, Policy and Legal Tools Available for Migratory Species Conservation, as part of a panel on Connectivity Conservation: Integrating Economics and Ecology for Connectivity Across Landscapes, North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Virtual Event (July 2020)
Invited Presenter and Participant, Developing a Research Agenda to Support Migratory Ungulate Conservation on Private Lands, Middleton Lab, PERC, Western Land Owners Alliance, Virtual and Cody, WY. Presentation with Robert Bonnie (Nicholas Institute, Duke): Overview of Existing Private Land Conservation Tools and Their Limitations (June and September 2020)
Invited Participant, Colloquium on the Law and Economics Through the Work of Elinor Ostrom, Institute for Humane Studies at George Washington University, Fort Worth, TX (January 2020)
Invited Speaker, Improving State and Federal Cooperative Species Conservation, A Festschrift in Honor of Dale Goble, Boise, ID (November 2019)
Invited Speaker, Harnessing Visitors’ Enthusiasm for National Parks to Advance Landscape Conservation, Online Workshop for Environmental Law Scholarship (October 2019)
Master of Ceremonies, 2019 Landscape Discussion on Energy Law and Policy in the Rockies, Laramie, WY (October 2019)
Invited Speaker, Harnessing Visitors’ Enthusiasm for National Parks to Advance Landscape Conservation, Rotary Club of Cheyenne, Cheyenne, WY (September 2020)
Invited Participant, Early-Career Energy Scholars Workshop, University of Colorado School of Law, Boulder, CO (June 2019)
Moderator, Panel: Keeping it Local: How County Commissioners Shape Energy Development to Ensure the Social and Economic Welfare of Their Communities, Wyoming State Bar ENR Section Summit, Casper, WY (June 2019)
Invited Speaker, Conserving the West’s Big-Game Migration Corridors, Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation Natural Resource Law Professors Conference, Missoula, MT (May 2019)
Organizer/Master of Ceremonies, 2018 Landscape Discussion on Energy Law and Policy in the Rockies, Laramie, WY (October 2018)
Moderator, Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation Special Institute on the National Environmental Policy Act, Public Comments – Panel on the Public and Agency Perspective, Denver, CO (November 2017)
Invited Panelists, Global Energy Markets Impact on Domestic and Foreign Policy, Laramie WY, (October 2017)
Organizer/Master of Ceremonies, 2017 Landscape Discussion on Energy Law and Policy in the Rockies, Laramie, WY (October 2017)
Selected/Invited Speaker, Collaboration Through NEPA to Achieve a Social License to Operate on Federal Public Lands, Eighth Annual Colloquium on Environmental Scholarship, South Royalton, VT (September 2017)
Moderator/Organizer, An Evening with Sam Western: New Wyoming Narratives; An Essential Discussion About Wyoming’s Future, Laramie, WY (April 2017
Invited Speaker, An Update: Tenth Circuit Fracking Litigation, CLE International: Wyoming Water Law & Energy Law, Cheyenne, WY (March 2017).
Invited Speaker, Plenary Session on the Wyoming Data Trespass Law (with Greg Nickerson), Wyoming Citizen Science Conference, Lander, WY (December 2016).
Invited Panelists, UW Debate Team Discussion on the Clean Power Plan, Laramie, WY (October 2016).
Invited Speaker, Hot Topics in Environmental Law, 2016 Wyoming State Bar Annual Meeting & Judicial Conference, Laramie, WY (September 2016).
Selected/Invited Speaker, Wildlife Issues, Like Politics, Are Local – So Why Isn’t ESA Implementation Authority? Seventh Annual Colloquium on Environmental Scholarship, South Royalton, VT (September 2016).
Moderator, A Conversation on the Clean Power Plan’s Impact on Wyoming: Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities. Laramie, WY (April 2016).
Moderator, Managing Federal Lands to Meet Wyoming’s Expectations, 2013 Wyoming Stock Growers Annual Convention, Cheyenne, WY (July 2013).
Panelist, The Legal Aspect of NEPA and Cooperating Agency Status, Wyoming BLM Resource Advisory Committee, Casper, WY (January 2012).
CLE International Faculty: 6th Annual NEPA Conference, New Obama Administration Challenges, Panel I: A View from the States, Cooperating Agencies and Regional Projects, Denver, CO (December 2009).
College of Law
1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3035
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-6416
Fax: 307-766-6417