Student Nurses Association President Kali Howe readies to address those attending
the 2015 Nightingale Ceremony. In the background, posters await signatures of new
students pledging to uphold the standards, ethics of their new nursing profession.
The University of Wyoming Fay W. Whitney School of Nursing held the 2015 Nightingale Ceremony on Thursday, September 3, in the UW Arts & Sciences Auditorium. The ceremony welcomed nearly 70 new nursing students into the profession of nursing. Students from the traditional Basic BSN program as well as the accelerated BRAND program signed a pledge to uphold the standards and ethics of the nursing profession. Prior to the signing of the pledge, speakers stepped forth to explain the pledge and to give examples of such ethics employed in the workplace. Speakers included 2013 Basic BSN alumna Danielle Johnson--a pediatric surgical nurse at Children's Hospital Colorado in Denver--and current Student Nurses Association President Kali Howe (pictured above).
Also on the Nightingale Ceremony's agenda was the enjoyable task of giving credit to the clinical partners who work with the school to bring students state-of-the-art education in nursing. Awards were given to the Basic BSN and BRAND Community Partners of the Year, Mountain View Regional Hospital in Casper and Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County in Rock Springs respectively. Preceptors (nurses who mentor students in a variety of clinical settings) were also honored by both Basic BSN and BRAND programs. Those preceptors are Sierra Wright from North Colorado Medical Center in Greeley and Nikki Packer from Lander Regional Hospital.
In addition to acknowledging the support given to the school via clinical placements through community partner agencies and preceptors, the school took the time to thank the many scholarship donors who support the nursing students throughout their programs. The school gave $177,200 in scholarships and $125,000 in BRAND state-funded loan repayment funds and $90,000 in Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner state-funded loan repayment funds for the 2015-2016 year.
For more, please click into the articles below.
At the annual ceremony, each student comes forth to sign the Nightingale Pledge, signifying their agreement to work to uphold the high ethics of the nursing profession. After each class has completed signing, the respective pledge posters are framed and hung in the halls of the school during the class' tenure. Click on the title to read the pledge.
[Pictured l-r is Basic BSN Program Coordinator Holly Miller with alumna speaker Danielle Johnson.] Each year the school brings back recent alumni from either the Basic BSN or BRAND classes to speak about their experience in light of the Nightingale Pledge, which new students will be called upon to sign. 2013 Alumna Danielle Johnson, a pediatric surgical nurse at Children's Hospital Colorado in Denver, delivered the address to the new students. Click on the title to read Johnson's speech.
[Pictured: UW Faculty Holly Miller and MVRH's Jennifer Lessman] Everyone at Mountain View Regional Hospital continually provides rich learning experiences for the UW nursing students...Always thinking of the students' needs, Mountain View also provides leadership opportunities as well as opportunities to polish interviewing skills... Their agency also has generously provided assistance and financial support to the Marcia Dale Aspire Scholars Program. Please click on the title for the full article.
[Pictured: UW Faculty Candace Tull and MHSC's Deborah Gaspar] Memorial Hospital has always been very willing to take students, in fact truly seeking after the BRAND students ...providing exceptional experiences in all areas. Says BRAND student, "This wonderful facility is dedicated to producing skilled and compassionate nurses. I feel so lucky to be learning in a facility that cherishes my education so highly..." Please click on the title for the full article.
The preceptor chosen from the Basic BSN student nominations is Sierra Wright. She works in the Ortho/Surgical/Neuro Units for North Colorado Medical Center in Greeley. The student who nominated Wright says, "More than teaching me the technical skills of nursing, Sierra taught me how to be an attentive and compassionate nurse. She is a great example of how nurses should educate and advocate for their patients." Click in the heading link to read the entire nomination.
The preceptor chosen from the BRAND student nominations is Nikki Packer. She works at the Lander Regional Hospital in Lander, Wyoming. The student who nominated Packer says, "Nikki is a very skilled, knowledgeable nurse, but more importantly she is able to successfully translate her nursing process to her students. She took time to model all aspects of excellent nursing, including looking up pathophysiology and disease processes on patients, as well as looking up latest evidence-based practices--and teaching me to do the same." Click in the heading link to read the entire nomination.