Research proposal process - funding to closeout

Proposal Development

Dear Colleagues:

UPDATED Internal Proposal Submission Deadlines:

ALL proposals and associated budgets, regardless of submission mechanisms (electronic system, email, hard copy, etc.), type of proposal (solicited or unsolicited), or budget amount need to be reviewed and approved by Pre-Award Services ( prior to being submitted to the sponsor. 


Notice of intent due 10 business days prior to final due date. Draft docs due 5 business days prior. Final docs due 3 business days prior.


Stage of review
Pre-Award Due Date
(In Advance of Sponsor Deadline)
Required Proposal Components



Notice of Intent to submit a proposal
Due by 9 AM at least 10 business days prior to final submission date. 
Start a "Proposal Form" in ROAMWyo SP with the following information:
• Sponsor Name
• Solicitation information (Number, URL to website, etc.)
• Submission Deadline or Target Submission Date
• PI Name

If Applicable:
• Subrecipient information
• Cost Share identified
• F & A Reduction or Waiver Request



Draft Documents
Due by 9 AM at least 5 business days prior to final submission date. 
Load the following information into the ROAMWyo SP Proposal Form:
• Draft Narrative
• Draft Budget and Budget Justification
• BioSketch/CVs
• Current & Pending
• Equipment, Facilities, & Other Resources
• Data Management Plan
• Research Data Plan
• Other items as per solicitation



Final Documents
Due by 9 AM at least 3 business days prior to final submission date.
Load Final Proposal documents required for submission into the ROAMWyo SP Proposal Form and route for review (PI/Co-PI Certification, Department Head and Dean review and approval):
• Final Narrative
• Final Budget and Budget Justification




Whenever possible, the Pre-Award Services team will make the final submission to the Sponsor. 

Proposals that meet the 5-business day deadline will receive feedback from Pre-Award Services within 2 - 3 business days. If deadlines are not met, proposals will be reviewed in the order in which they are received to ensure equitable review for proposals that met the deadlines. Pre-Award Services will not guarantee review or submission of proposal(s) that do not meet the deadlines.  PI's will be required to email the Director of Pre-Award Services with an explanation as to why the deadline cannot be met for consideration of exceptions.

If you would like to apply for a limited submission grant, please notify the Research Office, as an internal competition may be necessary.

 Please click below for a list of coordinators by College and Department/Division.


Proposal Development Resources

Community Engagement, Broader Impacts, and Outreach Programs

Faculty Research Development


Funding Opportunities

NSF Career Proposal

Proposal Toolkit




Contact Us

Pre-Award Services
Research & Economic Development Division Dept. 3355, 1000 E. University Avenue
Bureau of Mines, Room 231 Laramie, WY 82071-2000
Phone: (307) 766-5320
Fax: (307) 766-2608

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