Having an expert available during a simulation. For example, as students work through the process of determining what choices to make during a disaster response simulation, you can have an expert 'on the line' who can answer specific questions.
Integrating an expert as a learning coach throughout the class term. This person can be listed on the syllabus and available for questions and even possibly feedback on students' proposals or public products.
Hosting panel discussions with multiple experts in the same field or from a variety of fields and backgrounds. This approach allows students to connect and engage with subject experts from various backgrounds via real-time opportunities for Q&A, focused dialogue, and much more. This is an excellent activity that can help students to increase their own knowledge and while gaining real career insight.
This active learning spectrum entry was written by Dr. Chelsea Duball. Chelsea is an expert in her field of soil science and she is also trained in science communication through the WySCI program and active learning through the yearlong LAMP Fellows Program.