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Scholarships & Financial Aid

1000 E. University Ave, Dept. 3335

Knight Hall, Room 174

Laramie, WY 82071-3335

Phone: (307) 766-2116

Fax: (307) 766-3800


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Consortium Agreement

Would you like to qualify to receive federal financial aid by combining your credit hours from two or more institutions? It is possible. To do this, an individual agreement must be negotiated with the other institution you want to attend. Such an agreement is called a Consortium Agreement. Listed below are some of the things you’ll want to know about this process.

  • If you plan to take a minimum full-time course load (12 credit hours) at one institution, it is not necessary to have a Consortium Agreement. If you want to take additional credit hours at another institution above the full-time (12 credit hours), your federal financial aid will not be increased.

  • The institution from which you will receive your degree is called your HOME INSTITUTION. The other college where you want to take a course or courses is called your HOST INSTITUTION.

  • You must complete a separate Consortium Agreement 30 days prior to the beginning of the term or semester for which the agreement is applicable. These are done each term that you are dual enrolled.

  • You must be admitted to each institution from which you will be earning credits.

  • You may receive federal aid from only one institution in any given term or semester.

  • To receive federal financial aid from the University of Wyoming, you must enroll at UW for at least 6 hours, with the "exception of summer" for any term or semester in which you are taking courses from more than one institution.

    • ReNew students or Medical Technology students are excluded from this minimum 6 credit hour limit from UW.

  • Students should check with Scholarships & Financial Aid about the use of Scholarships for a consortium.

    • For Example, classes taken at a non-Wyoming Host Institution do not count toward meeting Hathaway enrollment requirements.

  • To receive federal aid from UW, the course work you take at another institution must be transferable to the University of Wyoming. Consequently, your academic advisor needs to approve each course that you propose to take at the other institution. You are responsible for assuring that your credits earned elsewhere are transferred to UW.

  • Your cost of attendance will be adjusted to reflect your actual tuition costs. This may mean that your federal aid eligibility will be reduced to reflect the lower tuition charges at the other institution.

  • Any financial aid from UW will not be made available in full until your enrollment at the host institution is confirmed. This will probably mean that you must pay the other college’s tuition and fees from your own resources and then be reimbursed when your aid becomes available to you.

  • No Federal Work-Study money awarded by the University of Wyoming is available for Work-Study jobs at another college.

  • Upon completion of a term or semester in which you enrolled for credit at another institution, you must ask the other institution to provide an official transcript to the UW Admission/Registrar’s Office as promptly as possible. Your federal aid for the next term or semester may be withheld until your full academic record is available and reviewed by UW registration and financial aid staff.

  • A formal Consortium Agreement must be signed by representatives of both institutions before you may receive federal aid for course work you take at another institution.

  • You are expected to know and abide by all the applicable academic, social, and administrative rules, regulations, and policies of both institutions you are attending. Carefully read institutional catalogs, bulletins, and class schedules. Ask questions if you don’t understand!

  • Please remember not all schools participate in consortium agreements, so check with the HOST school first before you begin the process.

For more information about Consortium Agreements, please contact the Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid.

Consortium Agreement Form (Microsoft Word) (PDF)


Contact Us

Scholarships & Financial Aid

1000 E. University Ave, Dept. 3335

Knight Hall, Room 174

Laramie, WY 82071-3335

Phone: (307) 766-2116

Fax: (307) 766-3800


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