A SURE Foundation, Be SURE to Compute, The SURE Way to Success
The School of Computing provides opportunities for Wyoming undergraduate students to participate in mentored hands-on research and development projects. All areas of computing are in scope, including supercomputing, data analytics, artificial intelligence, visualization, edge computing, robotics, modeling and simulation and more. All academic domains are in scope, including engineering, science, social and behavioral sciences, humanities, performing arts, and more. The SoC’s SURE program offers paid internships to Wyoming students who have the motivation and basic skills to contribute to projects.
Program Dates: follow academic year scheduling.
Work: up to 5 hours a week during the academic year.
Pay rate: $17.50/hour.
Open to any UW UG student in good academic standing.
International students are eligible.
If appropriate, projects can contribute to credit-bearing experiential learning classes (e.g. COMP 4000).
What can students expect?
A mentored, paid experience contributing to a research project that involves computing or data science.
Focus on visible and tangible computing outcomes, e.g. software product, web site, report, etc.
If you already have good computing skills, this is an opportunity to apply them in a different field of interest.
If you are still learning computing, this is an opportunity to increase your expertise with a real-world problem.
Weekly report out meetings with School of Computing staff and other undergraduate students in the cohort.
Become part of our School of Computing community.
All SURE students will receive a highly desirable School of Computing hoodie.
Students can apply here!*
*(All of the projects are full at this time and any students who apply now will be
placed on a waiting list.)
Academic year 2024-2025 research project options: