Alumni and Friends

Department of Theatre and Dance

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Keep in touch with the latest happenings in the department. Read the online version of our departmental newsletter, Center Stage, skim the latest additions to our online Alumni News, join us for a night out at the theatre, or simply shoot us an e-mail and let us know what you're up to these days.

Center Stage

The web version of our official print newsletter of the Department of Theatre and Dance.

Online Alumni News & Alumni e-mail

Our online notes about where all of you are and what you are doing.

FriendsFriends of Theatre & Dance

Renew your vital support of our program or join ranks with some very special people who are an integral part of our success by becoming a Friend of Theatre & Dance.

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The online version of UWYO provides highlights from the latest issue, as well as archived issues. UWYO is a primary source of information about the university and the people behind the institution. (Read more)

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