University of Wyoming Extension
Department #3354
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5124
This structure was also designed and the educational workshop conducted by Del Jimenez, Agricultural Specialist New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service. The second educational workshop in Wyoming was held at the Wyoming state fair grounds in Douglas, WY. This workshop was funded by the Wyoming Department of Agriculture and conducted in 2009. The structure been used for demonstration and production since.
Gothic style structures – provide good value for the size of the area of production (square feet under the High Tunnel). However, structurally they may need to be reinforced to withstand the high wind and snow loads common in Wyoming. Orientation may be more important for this structure as well. Researchers in Powell have noticed a significant drop in light quality after the autumnal equinox in their structure (aligned east and west). It is suspected that as the angle of the sun decreases, the light is more likely to be deflected off the structure.
The Hard-Sided High Tunnel is the 3rd design created by Del Jimenez, Agricultural Specialist New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service.
This design attaches the straight hoop structure to the top of a 3-ft wooden rail. The configuration of this style allows for an increased center height and larger crop production area.
The original design for this structure was created by Del Jimenez – Agricultural Specialist, New Mexico State University, Cooperative Extension Service. Modifications have been made to allow for roll-up sides and better withstand Wyoming’s wind.
University of Wyoming Extension
Department #3354
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5124