Wyoming Center on Aging
1000 E University Ave
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-2829
Email: wycoa@uwyo.edu
4 M’s
Aging Etiquette
Dementia Related Behavior Changes – The Validation Method
Changing Institutional Culture in Long-term Care
Culture Change at Morning Star Care Center In Ft. Washakie, WY.
Morning Star Care Center is featured as a WY culture changing nursing home as it ascribes to the Eden Alternative - www.edenalt.org. The Eden Alternative wisely teaches it is better to live a garden, based on the Garden of Eden, than an institution. See and hear how they replaced the big nurses' station with a normal desk in a living room, stark shower rooms with spa amenities, non-person practices with open dining times, not waking people up/honoring sleep/natural awakening, open/flexible/personal med pass times and more. Also learn how they welcome children and people of all ages, plants and gardens even a green house, and animals. Enjoy their ducks, chickens, birds and dog that do or have lived there and how the animals make their "lives complete." Hear how CNAs have more time to spend with residents are not in a rush, not having to rush residents, they get to enjoy each other and "spend the time the right way." This video walks you through Eden's Ten Principles through the beautiful lives people are living at Morning Star.
Short Version (10 Min): Story of Morning Star (culture change journey)
Longer Version (1 hr 13 min): Story of Morning Star (culture change journey)
Lending Library: Click here
Infusion Units: WyCOA Infusion Units are packaged lecture materials featuring a film or power-point with teaching notes, discussion questions, and resources for additional reading assignments. *Certificates of Completion can be provided for CE reporting!
Our collection includes:
Hold Your Breath - for ethnogeriatrics: Illuminates the pivotal role of cross-cultural communication in healthcare decision-making, and the urgent need for cultural competence and diversity training in the healthcare professions. *Documentary Film and discussion questions
Age of Champions: An uplifting story of five competitors who sprint, leap, and swim for gold at the National Senior Olympics. *Documentary Film and discussion questions
Health Literacy and Older Adults Module: The degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions. *PowerPoint and teaching notes
Aging Etiquette: Understanding and implementing respectful communication and interaction with people who are older or aging. *PowerPoint and teaching notes
Oral Health: Understand the importance of oral health and how it relates to total physical health; understand the oral bacteria infection process; show and teach caregivers how to provide oral care for residents with compromised physical or mental abilities; explain how nutrition/eating habits can impact the success of oral health. *PowerPoint and discussion questions
Older Adults Driving: Overview includes: the number of older drivers is growing.; Age itself does not make an unsafe driver; Modifications to behavior and equipment can help promote safe driving; Collaborative conversations with older drivers are important; and understand that there are resources available. 2 versions are available: caregiver and healthcare. *Powerpoint and discussion questions & DVD titled “Old People Driving” is available for check out and runs 24 minutes.
Training Events: Live and in person events that can be incorporated into classroom or self study education
Please contact wycoa@uwyo.edu or 307-766-2829 for more information.
Wyoming Center on Aging
1000 E University Ave
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-2829
Email: wycoa@uwyo.edu