CWD Testing for Hunters

jumplinkThe Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory (WSVL) offers testing for Cronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in white-tailed deer, mule deer, elk, and moose. Specimens may be dropped off at the WSVL during normal business hours (recommended), dropped off after hours (in the provided drop-box), or shipped using mail or courier service. We test deer by ELISA (positives confirmed by immunohistochemistry) and test elk and moose by both ELISA and immunohistochemistry.

Please contact us with any CWD testing questions.

Specimen submission questions:

Necropsy/Receiving Staff: (307)766-9920

Disease and diagnostic testing questions:

Dr. Jackie Kurz (Necropsy/Trimming Section Head): (307)766-9953 or Dr. Lani Bower (Histopathology Section Head): (307)766-9971

Test Fee:
$40/animal, only checks accepted, checks made out to “WSVL” (Please never send cash via mail or courier service and never leave cash in the WSVL drop-box)

Payments must be received at the time of submission.

WSVL CWD Testing Form

Turnaround time:
21 business days

Results reported by:
Email (please provide a current and legible email address)

To drop off specimens at WSVL (recommended):

WSVL Hours & Location

Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory

1174 Snowy Range Road

Laramie, WY 82070

Bring specimens for testing to the “Sample Drop-Off” entrance (Sample Drop-Off Map)

jumplinkSpecimens accepted:

  • Whole carcasses, heads, or tissues
  • The intact head with tongue, larynx, and adjacent soft tissues still attached is preferred
  • Tissues collected for testing include brainstem (obex region of the medulla oblongata) and the retropharyngeal lymph nodes (Collection of CWD Samples

We will return heads upon request.

If the submitter wishes to have a shoulder mount done on the animal we request that you have it caped out prior to bringing it to us. Be sure that the tongue, larynx, and adjacent soft tissues is still attached

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To drop off specimens at WSVL after hours:

  • Use the drop-off barrel located on the loading dock (Sample Drop-Off Map)
  • Follow instructions posted on the barrel – intact heads are preferred
  • Submission forms are available on the barrel – do not leave cash

To submit specimens to WSVL by mail or courier service:

  • The WSVL recommends 1-day (overnight) service (US Postal Service, UPS, or FedEx).
  • Specimens must be packaged in accordance with current shipping regulations for diagnostic specimens (feel free to call us for assistance).
  • Specimens accepted are listed above. We will NOT return heads received by mail/courier service. The WSVL is not responsible for submission of improper specimens.
  • You must complete and include the WSVL CWD Testing Form

Ship specimens to:

Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory
1174 Snowy Range Road
Laramie, WY 82070

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Contact Us

Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory

1174 Snowy Range Rd

Laramie, WY 82070

Phone: 307-766-9925

Toll Free: 1-800-442-8331

Fax: 307-721-2051


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