SER and CEPS Students Participate in Knauss Employment Shadowing Externship Program


During the end of the spring semester, students in the School of Energy Resources (SER) and College of Engineering and Physical Sciences (CEPS) participated in an employment shadowing externship program to gain insights into a professional environment.

Supported by a gift from engineering alumnus Martin Knauss, six students from both the undergraduate and graduate levels spent between four and eight hours during the month of April shadowing employees at the Laramie offices of energy and environmental companies Trihydro Corporation and Millipore Sigma.

The experience allowed students the opportunity to observe real world practices, ask questions, and engage in discussions on various issues with members of the industry.

“This is a really great opportunity for students to experience how concepts that they are interested in studying are actually applied in a professional setting,” says CEPS Associate Director of Career Services Tyler Grabner.

Professionals within the companies provided a brief overview of their job description and biography, and then were paired accordingly with students that expressed an interest in a similar topic area. Topics ranged from mining, engineering, and solid waste management to permitting and siting.

Doctoral student Rami Alloush, of Damanhour, Egypt noted that in the short amount of time, there were valuable lessons learned when mapping out his own career path. Alloush studies petroleum engineering in UW’s Center of Innovation for Flow Through Porous Media.

“I learned a lot during the visit and I’ve a much better understanding of what the job looks like,” he says. “The main benefit was getting a better understanding the job market and being able to get some facetime with a professional who provided answers for my numerous questions.”

The program has the potential to make significant impacts on how students view different professions in geology, engineering, and other related fields.

“Careers in the energy sector are so vast, and it can be really overwhelming for students to make decisions for their future, especially if they don’t know what specific jobs are actually out there,” says SER Academic Director Kami Danaei. “This shadowing program is a unique opportunity for students to experience a sampling of careers, and the short format allows them to get a taste of a profession, which will hopefully help guide them when making employment decisions down the road.”

At the completion of the shadowing program, students provided feedback about their experience. The hope for the future is to expand the program where students can do multiple shadowing rotations or even get course credit. “This program is wonderful opportunity from the employer standpoint as well,” says Jessica Stonum, a recruiter at Trihydro. “We love to be able to support and mentor current students that will be entering the workforce. It is also allowing us to make connections and lasting impressions with up and coming talent and stay engaged with the university.”


Staff Engineer and UW alumnus Jack de Ryk of Trihydro, meets with Junior Geology student Colby Van Baal of Baily, Colo.


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