Old Main

Accessible Entrance (ramps, power activated doors, etc.)

  • East entrance to ground level via power activated doors (To access the 1st level take the elevator down a floor)

Accessible Parking (accessible spaces, paths, etc.)

  • There are 5 accessible spaces south of Merica Hall with an accessible path to the east entrance of Old Main

  • There is 1 accessible metered space south of Merica Hall with an accessible path to the east entrance of Old Main

  • There is 1 handicapped drop-off area south of Merica Hall with an accessible path to the east entrance of Old Main


  • The elevator is located near stairs on the southeast side of the building and services all levels


  • Accessible Men's and Women's accessible restrooms are located on the 1st floor (one floor down from ground level) near rms. 108 and 109 on the northwest side of Old Main

  • One (1) Family (private)

Contact Us

Disability Support Services

University of Wyoming

Dept. 3135, 1000 E. University Ave.

109 Knight Hall

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307 766-3073

Fax: 307 766-3298

Email: udss@uwyo.edu

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