Center for Student Involvement & Leadership CSIL

The Center for Student Involvement & Leadership


collage of students participating in csil events and activities What will you do today? Welcome to the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership (CSIL) where the student experience is at the center of every thing we do. Our mission is to provide opportunities to engage on campus through inclusive student-centered programs, communities, services, and experiential learning opportunities to complement the academic experience.




CSIL consists of 11 offices located in the Wyoming Union building in  the heart of the University of Wyoming campus. Each office has it’s  own concentration, mission, and values, but work together to create enriching experiences for UW students.


Students at a Concert Students getting Sworn into ASUW Students at the FSL Awards
Students at the Big Event CSIL Photo of the Branding Iron Newspaper
Students at the Involvement Fest Student Veterans at the Annual Push Up Challenge The Wyoming Union Building

CSIL Events Check out everything event related going on in the Union including how to plan an event, how to make a room reservation, and a full schedule of all events upcoming in the Union.

Find out reservation info regarding events in the Union. Make a Reservation Find out the process of booking a space in the Union. Upcoming Events Find out the schedule of all upcoming events in the Union.


Check out the resources below including listings for CSIL  on-campus employment, meet staff members from each  office, and explore each office’s methods of contact.


picture of staff at big event student worker at desk students at circle event



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