Students Cheering at a Football Game w/ ASUW Logo

Associated Students of the University of Wyoming

Student Resources & Services ASUW and its website is run by students for students. As the representative government for the students of the University of Wyoming, we believe it is our responsibility to provide all students with a list of resources around campus for academic and social success.

ASUW Student Services ASUW Student Org Services ASUW Scholarships




News and Events Stay up to date with ASUW news and announcements! These news articles get sorted by their posting date depending on the month and year. Anything before 2020 is not available within these archives.

ASUW News and Events ASUW Opens Scholarships ASUW Winter Initiative Begins
Senate Legislation Archives ASUW Approves Special Projects Funding Board Approves Funding



How to Get Involved As the student government on campus, ASUW encourages all students to be involved and have their voices heard, it is our responsibility to inform all students interested in participating in ASUW how they can. With these resources, ASUW and students will work towards improving UW, the campus, and student life.

Run in ASUW Elections Contact Your Representatives Fill a Vacancy
Become a Member of a Program Participate in Senate Join a Committee




ASUW Mission Statement The purpose of the Student Government of the Associated Students University of Wyoming is to serve our fellow students in the best manner possible through accurate representation, professional interaction with campus programs and organizations, and responsible, effective leadership. ASUW Impact Statement ASUW controls a budget of over $1,000,000, and we use those funds to give back to students and support programs and initiatives that make UW a better campus for all students. We give nearly $140,000 a year to student organizations to host events, $100,000 for special projects on campus and help annually fund Homecoming. ASUW also advocated for students - the ASUW President sits on the Board of Trustees as student representation and ASUW is in charge of representing student concerns and voice to administration.


Winter Campus Photo

Contact Us

ASUW Office
Wyoming Union 020
Dept. 3625, 1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5204
Fax: 307-766-3762