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The University of Wyoming Alumni Association is governed by a Board of Directors. The Executive Director manages the Association’s affairs. The Board carries out objectives and purposes specified in UWAA’s bylaws. It provides strategic direction, makes operational recommendations, and holds fiduciary responsibility for the Association. The full Board meets twice yearly (fall and spring), with more frequent committee meetings in between. Work is divided among Board Members according to committee assignment. Serving on the Board is a rewarding experience, but one that requires commitment. UWAA Board Members are volunteers in the truest sense; not only do they give of their time and expertise, they pay for all travel expenses associated with Board Meetings.

Upcoming Dates

Spring – April 11th, 2025

Fall – Homecoming 2025 TBA


The majority of Board Members are elected by the Association’s voting membership to three-year terms with the opportunity to serve a consecutive three-year term. Board seats are primarily structured by geographic region, the exceptions being the president, past president, president-elect, a young alumni director, three at-large directors, and emeritus directors who are all appointed by the Board. Election ballots are emailed to members in June. Only paid and active UWAA Members have voting rights.


Read our Bylaws here.


Committees are populated annually at the spring meeting. There are four standing committees of the Board that reflect the Board’s fiduciary responsibilities – executive, nominating, finance, and legal. The executive committee meets monthly to provide direction to the Executive Director on the Association’s operations. The finance, nominating and legal committee meetings are called as needed throughout the year. There are also three engagement committees that reflect the Association’s alumni engagement strategy – Digital Engagement and Communication, Special Events and Projects, and Networks. They meet throughout the year to provide guidance and feedback to UWAA’s Engagement Team.

Demographic Information

Wyoming Counties/Judicial District 9
US Regions (NE, SE, FW (Formerly NW) SW) 4
CO/Denver Metro 1
ID, SD/ND, MT, UT, NE 1 (Neigh. St.)
At-large 3
Young Alumni 1 (at-large)
President, President-Elect, Past President 3
Total 22

The Composition of the Board – Bylaws as Amended and Restated Effective October 1, 2018

At the fall University of Wyoming Alumni Association board meeting on September 14-15, 2018 in Laramie, the Board of Directors voted to amend the Association’s Bylaws.  On October 1, 2018, our UWAA members approved the amended bylaws by a greater than 2/3 majority of the members who voted. 


Existing Board members with terms remaining after 2019 will have the opportunity to serve the remainder of their term on the newly structured BOD so long as such Director is qualified as set forth above, regardless of geographic status.  

During the transition period, (2019-2021) new Board members shall be nominated, elected and installed as provided in the Amended & Restated Bylaws to populate the geographic areas.  Existing Directors who are currently serving in their first three (3)-year term with expiration in April of 2020 qualify to be considered for a new 3-year term pursuant to the Amended and Restated Bylaws setting forth the 19-22 BOD size. Once each existing Director has completed his/her term(s) (by 2021) the BOD shall thereafter be populated under the Amended & Restated Bylaws numbering between 19-22 members representing geographic areas as outlined herein.

The proposed governance structure retains a geographic element for selection as follows: one (1) Director from each of the nine (9) Wyoming Judicial Districts as designated by the State (See Exhibit A) for a total of nine (9) Directors; and six (6) Directors selected from six (6) United States geographic regions (Northeast, Southeast, Far West (formerly named Northwest), Southwest, Colorado and the Neighboring States region, defined as Idaho, Nebraska, Montana, North & South Dakota and Utah. (See Exhibit B).  In addition, the BOD will appoint one (1) Young Alumni at-large director and may appoint up to three (3) additional at-large positions. The at-large directors may be from Wyoming or out of state. The Young Alumni director must be thirty years of age or younger at the time of appointment. However, in no case will the number of out of state directors exceed the number of directors residing in Wyoming. 

Exhibit A – Wyoming Representation - NINE (9) WYOMING JUDICIAL DISTRICTS

Map of judicial districts of Wyoming

District No. 1 = Laramie County; District No. 2 = Carbon & Albany Counties; District No. 3 = Lincoln, Uinta, & Sweetwater Counties; District No. 4 = Sheridan & Johnson Counties; District No. 5 = Park, Big Horn, Hot Springs, & Washakie Counties; District No. 6 = Campbell, Crook, & Weston Counties; District No. 7 = Natrona County; District No. 8 = Converse, Niobrara, Platte, & Goshen Counties; District No. 9 = Teton, Sublette, & Fremont Counties


EXHIBIT B - Representation outside of Wyoming

Composition of the board map - new


Far West Region = Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Hawaii, & Alaska; Southwest Region = Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, & Kansas; Northeast Region = Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine; Southeast Region = Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia; Neighboring States Region = Idaho, Utah, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska; Colorado as it’s own region; Wyoming as it’s own region