About Us

Associated Students of the University of Wyoming

Founded on February 27, 1913. 

The mission and purpose of the Student Government of the Associated Students of the University of Wyoming is to serve our fellow students in the best manner possible through accurate representation, professional interaction with campus programs and organizations, and responsible, effective leadership. 



ASUW consists of three branches, Executive, Legislative and Judicial, much like the United States Government. In addition to the three branches, ASUW has professional staff consisting of four full-time staff members. ASUW representatives in all branches of the Student Government are hired to effectively represent the values of the University of Wyoming and our student body.



The ASUW Executive Branch is composed of the ASUW President and Vice President, as well as student executive positions that vary in order to accomplish the respective goals of each administration. The executives are appointed by the President with the consent of the ASUW Senate, via an application process at the start of each presidential term at the end of the Spring semester. 


The ASUW Senate is composed of elected students from each of the colleges at the University of Wyoming, chaired by the Vice President. It is the role of the Senate to conduct legislative action and connect with officials on campus. ASUW Senators have the opportunity to effect change on campus and in our student community, and it is their responsibility to represent their respective colleges in the decision-making of the Student Government. Senator elections take place every Spring semester, or in case of a vacancy. 


The ASUW Judicial Council is composed of seven Justices, appointed by the ASUW President with consent from the ASUW Senate. The Judicial Council provides an interpretation of all Student Government working documents and has jurisdiction over ASUW rules, procedures, and actions of the Executive Branch, extending from the ASUW Constitution. 


The ASUW professional staff are responsible for supporting ASUW in their operations, as well as overseeing the actions of the students in all three branches of the Student Government. The full-time positions coordinate our programs and projects and manage ASUW accounting. 

Contact Us

ASUW Office

1000 E. University Ave.

Wyoming Union, Room 020, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5204

Email: asuwgov@uwyo.edu

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