Leader talking to staff with wording: Welcome to the Educational Leadership Program

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Educational Leadership offers courses and degree programs designed to help students learn and apply the leadership skills necessary for effective leadership in today's K-12 schools and beyond. Our programs are guided by our mission to develop effective educational leaders and researchers. 

All of the Educational Leadership degrees are Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board (PTSB) compatible (students must apply upon graduation for PTSB certification), and are accredited by Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP).


Please review these links to learn more information:


 Program Admissions Deadlines and Requirements

View program deadlines, and detailed instructions on how to apply, including info on transcripts, GRE scores, and the required documents.

Faculty Contact Information

View program faculty contact information such as titles, coordinators, phone numbers, emails, and curriculum vitae.

Curriculum Details

View each program's required courses and credits.

Enrolled Student Resources

View important links regarding a complete guide to registration, required courses, long-term schedules, internship information,

student handbooks, graduate student forms, the doctoral journey in the College of Education, and more!



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Learn more about the admission process and important deadlines.

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Meet our diverse group of faculty members, ready to serve you.

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Find out more about our curriculum and what you'll learn.

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Are you a current student? Find resources here.