COJO Department
223/224 Ross Hall
Dept. # 3904
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-3122
The journalism degree is designed to prepare students for careers as reporters, writers, editors, designers, content managers, advertisers, social media managers, public information officers, and public relations professionals in media organizations such as newspapers, magazines, PR and advertising agencies.
COJO 1000. Introduction to Mass Media
COJO 2010. Public Speaking
COJO 2100. Media Writing
STAT 2050 Introductory Statistics (prerequisite for COJO 3070)
COJO 3070. Communication Research
COJO 3480. Internship (3 hours). Students may take up to 6 hours of internship credit.
COJO 3530. Multimedia Production
COJO 4500. Mass Communication Law
15 hours of departmental electives (12 must be upper division)
For a listing of COJO courses, please see the Coursework page. For a full text description of the courses, please see the University Catalog.
3100. Public Affairs Reporting
4100. Investigative Reporting
4110. Feature Writing Seminar (Magazine Writing)
2400. Introduction to Photography
3200. Graphics of Communication
4040. Digital Video Production
4200. Visual Communication
4400. Photojournalism
4530. Website Design
3300. Advertising
3310. Public Relations
3480. Internship
4310. PR Campaigns
3000. History of American Journalism
3520. Comm Tech & Society
4020. Mass Media & Society
COJO Department
223/224 Ross Hall
Dept. # 3904
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-3122