snowy range mountains with the slce logo

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Hub is a website that brings together Laramie nonprofits and Albany County residents. Through this website users can browse a list of Laramie-area organizations, reply to active volunteer opportunities, and create a record of their volunteer hours and activities.


Are you a UW Student Organization, team, or group looking to do a service project together? Find resources here

Click here to go to Volunteer Hub:

Volunteer Hub University of Wyoming (

New to Volunteer Hub? Head over to the Volunteer Hub Info and FAQ page to learn more!

If you are a 501c3 nonprofit organization who is interested in using Volunteer Hub to recruit and manage volunteers, email for more information. 

Volunteer Hub User FAQs

University of Wyoming users (students, faculty, and staff) can log in to Volunteer Hub using their single sign-on credentials. Anyone without University of Wyoming login credentials can create an account or sign up using an existing Facebook account. The first time you sign in you will be guided through setting up your profile and preferences. The final step in setting up your account is completing a waiver. If you do not complete this waiver (or if you view this site without logging in), you will see a message stating that you have a "missing qualification" anytime you try to view volunteer opportuniites. Users can update their profiles by clicking on the initials in the top right corner of the screen. 
Yes, anyone in Albany County is welcome to use this website! 

To see a listing of active volunteer opportunities on this website, click Opportunities on the lefthand menu. You can sort opportunities by location, skill, date, or a number of other characteristics. You can also view the opportunities from a specific organization by finding their profile in the Agencies tab, then scrolling to the bottom of their page. Once you've found a volunteer opportunitiy you like, click "respond" to sign up.  


Many organizations using Volunteer Hub also use another scheduling or application platform for their volunteers. Check the Opportunity description to make sure you follow the agency's process for signing up. 

Start by clicking Track Hours in your profile or the lefthand menu. Under "Hour Type", select "yes" and find the opportunity you responded to on Volunteer Hub. You will be required to enter the date of your volunteer activity and total number of hours worked, along with indicating if this activity is part of a requirement. Use decimal points for parts of an hour (e.g. 3.25 hours equals 3 hours and 15 minutes). The agency hosting the opportunity will need to approve your time entry, but your time entry will show up on your volunteer hours log with the orange "pending" symbol until it is approved. You can also view a step-by-step instruction video on recording volunteer activity on Volunteer Hub.

If you are recording volunteer hours but you did not find the opportunity on this website, select “no” under the question “Are these hours in reference to an opportunity you responded to on this site?” You will be asked to provide the name of the organization that hosted your activity, as well as the name and contact information for someone who can verify these hours. Do not list yourself as this contact. Someone from the University of Wyoming will verify your time entry, but your entry will show up on your volunteer hours log with the orange "pending" symbol until it is approved. How to enter independent hours (video)


Volunteer Hub users are welcome to retroactively record their volunteer hours from any point in their lives, even if that volunteer service took place outside of Albany County.

Your most recent volunteer hour records will be at the top of the Track Hours page. To see all your volunteer hours (or just those occuring in a specific timeframe), you will need to access your Volunteer Resume. First, click the Dashboard button on the lefthand menu or "view profile" from  your profile dropdown. Under your name, click the button that says Volunteer Resume. Select the start and end dates for the records you want to access, then click "go" to export your PDF resume. If you do not see a popup, check your browser settings. 
When you "fan" an Agency, you will get notifications whenever an agency posts new volunteer opportunities or events. You can become a "fan" of an Agency by clicking Become a Fan on their agency page, and you can undo this action by clicking on the green "fanned" button on any Agencies where you have become a fan. 

Volunteer Hub Agency FAQs

To get started with adding an organization on Volunteer Hub, please reach out to Local government agencies or organizations with 501c3 nonprofit status with the IRS can use Volunteer Hub after completing a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Wyoming. 

Volunteer Hub is the central location for finding volunteer opportunities through the University of Wyoming's Service, Leadership, and Community Engagement (SLCE) Office. The SLCE Office encourages UW students, faculty, and staff to use this platform to find and record their volunteer service activities, as well as maintaining Volunteer Hub as a service for the local community.

Since many organizations have an existing application, screening, or scheduling process outside of Volunteer Hub, organizations are welcome to create ongoing volunteer opportunities that direct users to the organization's processes. Volunteer Hub also has features to assist with recruiting volunteers for special events, scheduling volunteers in shifts, or promoting events like fundraisers. There are additional privacy settings that can restrict who can view or respond to your volunteer opportunities (e.g. pre-screened or trained volunteers). Reach out to to learn more about these settings. 

Each Agency has one Primary Agency Manager who can add or remove other Agency Managers by searching their name or email address in the "edit profile" tab of the Agency's profile. Typically this Primary Agency Manager is the volunteer coordinator for the organization. Agency Managers need to have their own user profile on Volunteer Hub before they can be added as an Agency Manager. Reach out to with any questions. 

What “counts” as volunteer service?

While many organizations and groups have different criteria for volunteer service (or what might count as volunteer hours), this is the guidance used on Volunteer Hub.

Volunteer service is unpaid service benefiting others.

Volunteer service can be:

  • Direct or indirect
    • Examples of direct service include mentoring, tutoring, distributing food at a food bank, refereeing for a nonprofit sports league, cleaning kennels at an animal shelter, leading activities at a senior center, etc.
    • Examples of indirect service include administrative tasks, maintenance for a facility, creating outreach materials for an organization, putting on a fundraiser, organizing a volunteer project, volunteering as part of a drive, etc.
  • Beneficial in non-financial ways to the volunteer.
    • Receiving training, meals, parking passes, or other nominal volunteer support would not disqualify your volunteer hours.
    • Unpaid internships, practicums, or service-learning projects that benefit the community may also count as volunteer hours.
    • Training that directly connects to an ongoing volunteer service activity can be counted towards volunteer hours. Examples include volunteer orientations, safety certifications required by an organization as part of volunteer onboarding, ongoing volunteer training, etc.

Volunteer service is not:

  • Philanthropy
    • Donating funds
    • Participating in charity or fundraising events (fundraisers, 5Ks, tournaments, bake sales, etc.)
  • Technical career training or academic programs (although some activities in these programs that meet other criteria may be considered volunteer service.)
  • Giving unpaid labor to a business or other for-profit organization
  • Serving only family members
  • Proselytizing
  • Political lobbying

Additional resources for volunteers:

  • Visit the Volunteer Information and Nonprofit Jobs bulletin board, located outside of the Service, Leadership, and Community Engagement (SLCE) Office (Wyoming Union 033).
  • Join the SLCE email newsletter to receive weekly information about volunteer opportunities organized by SLCE and local organizations.
  • Stop by the campus Volunteer Fair, hosted each semester by the SLCE Office! Information for each upcoming event will be posted on SLCE's social media and newsletter
  • If you are part of a group or student organization planning a service day, fundraiser, or drive, take a look at these Planning Pro Tips!

Additional resources for nonprofit organizations seeking volunteers: 

Contact Us

Service, Leadership, and Community Engagement (SLCE) Office

More Information