Jennifer Harmon

Jennifer Harmon


Associate Professor
Design, Merchandising and Textiles Program Option


Ph.D. Human Sciences, Fashion and Retail Specialization, Sociology Minor
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

M.S. Human Sciences, Fashion and Retail Specialization
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

B.S. Family and Consumer Sciences, Business Minor
Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois

Research Interests

My diverse research portfolio includes the most work in my two main areas of interest, social psychology of dress and appearance and sustainable textile and apparel product development. 

Topics I have investigated in the area of social psychology of dress include pro-anorexia, obesity bias, overweight children’s perceptions of athletic clothes, adding warning labels to fashion magazine advertisements’ effect on body image negativity and analyzing Lane Bryant’s PlusIsEqual campaign. Currently, I am working on the relationship between perceiver fashion orientation and ratings of professional clothing styles for women’s apparel. 

In the area of sustainable textile and apparel product development, I’ve successfully extracted and applied colorfast dye for local plants to cotton fabric, investigated waste reduction in the application of indigo dye, investigated generational eco-friendly attitudes and behaviors and have grown, dyed and measured consumer impressions of bacterial cellulose. Currently, I am working on documenting and recreating natural dye based coloration methods for textiles of Native American tribes. 

Other areas of research I am engaged in are measuring student learning gains from experiential learning techniques, creative scholarship works and aiding the formation of a student run retail store through the Family and Consumer Sciences department.

Selected Works

Harmon, J. (2022). “Absolutely hands on!”: Analyzing student learning gains and perceptions from experiential learning experiments in an Advanced Textile Science course. Under Review for the Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences. 

Harmon, J. (2021). “Zero Waste Dyeing?- Application and Colorfastness of Spray versus Vat Indigo Dyeing.” International Textile and Apparel Association 2021 conference; Online. 

Harmon, J & Siddaka, A. (2021). “Seasonal Dyeing- Color Extraction from the Leaves and Catkins of Cottonwood Trees.” International Textile and Apparel Association 2021 conference; Online. 

Harmon, J., Lee, J. E. & Jestratijevic, I. (2021). “Relationship of Social Media, Social Influences & Eco-Friendly Behaviors for Gen Y vs. Z.” International Textile and Apparel Association 2021 conference; Online. 

Harmon, J. (2021). “Hemp for Victory!: The History of Hemp in America.” International Textile and Apparel Association 2021 conference; Online- Creative Scholarship. 

Harmon, J., Fairbourn, L. & Thibault N. (2020). Exploring the Potential of Bacterial Cellulose for Use in Apparel. Journal of Textile Sciences and Fashion Technology, 5(2), 1-9. 

Harmon, J. & Reddy Best, K.L. (2020). Fashion Social Marketing: Analyzing reactions to Lane Bryant’s #PlusIsEqual. Journal of Fashion, Style and Popular Culture. 7(2-3), 333-350. 

Harmon, J. (2020). “Investigating the Dyeing Potential of Bacterial Cellulose: Colorfastness to Crocking and Artificial Light.” International Textile and Apparel Association 2020 conference; Online. 

Harmon, J. (2020). “Bacterial Cellulose Product Development: Comparing Leather and Leather Alternatives.” International Textile and Apparel Association 2020 conference. 

Harmon, J. & Rudd, N.A. (2019). Friending Ana: Investigating the prominence and characteristics of pro-anorexia communities on social media. Journal of Fashion, Style and Popular Culture, 6(2), 243-259. 

Reddy-Best, K. L., Kane, L., Harmon, J., & Gagliardi, N. R. (2018). Critical perspectives on fashion textbooks: representations of race, gender, and body. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 11(1), 63-75. 

Harmon, J. & Rudd, N. A. (2016). Breaking the Illusion: The effects of adding warning labels identifying digital enhancement on fashion magazine advertisements. Journal of Fashion, Style and Popular Culture, 3(3), 357-374. 

Reddy-Best, K.L. & Harmon, J. (2016). Overweight boy’s and girl’s experiences with and perception of athletic clothing and its relationship to physical activity participation. Fashion and Textiles, 2(23),1-16. 

Rudd, N. A., Harmon, J., Heiss, V., & Buckworth, J. (2015). Obesity bias and body image: How do fashion and retail students compare to other personal service majors? International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 8(1), 30-38. 


Teaching Philosophy

I have always had a passion for learning. As a teacher, I strive to instill the same passion for learning in my students by maintaining an active learning atmosphere and applying course materials and concepts to students’ daily lives. I have found over time, authentic and experiential learning techniques that get students active in their education yield the best results for my courses. 


Professional Memberships

  • American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
  • International Textile and Apparel Association
Contact Us

Dr. Jennifer Harmon

Office: AG C 3010

Phone: (307) 766-5669


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