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Department of Geology and Geophysics
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071-2000
Phone: (307) 766-4141
Fax: (307) 766-6679

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Distinguished Lecture Series Fall 2023

Most lectures will be in person and start at 3:10 PM on Mondays in Room 216 in the Geology Building, and there will also likely be a Zoom link.  Please contact:  Ken Sims  if you would like the Zoom link.

Guests or members of the public attending university sponsored events or programs who would like to request disability accommodations are requested to make the request to the University’s Disability Support Services office at (307) 766-3073 or  as early in advance of the event or program as possible.


Dates Speaker Institution Title          
8/28/23 class meeting              
9/4/23 Labour Day              
9/11/23 Brandon McElroy U. of Wyoming Natural (and Unnatural) History of the Lower Mississippi River and Delta          
9/18/23 Ashley Maloney Princeton University/CU Boulder Paleoprecipitation, Disease, and Infection from Lipid Hydrogen Isotope Ratios          
9/25/23 Glenn Gaetani Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Magma reservoir depths and ascent rates: Insights from olivine-hosted melt inclusions          
10/2/23 Jian Gong U. of Wyoming The Evolution of Natural Computation, Complexity and Life”          
10/9/23 Payton Gardner U. of Montana Where, when and how long? Groundwater provenance and residence times in mountainous watersheds          
10/16/23 No Speaker GSA            
10/23/23 Ken Williams LBNL            
10/30/23 Mike Cheadle U. of Wyoming Watching the Earth’s magnetic field reverse: Insights from the Dufek Intrusion, Antarctica          
11/6/23 Ciaran Harman Johns Hopkins University            
11/13/23 Erin Phillips & Lily Jackson U. of Wyoming Critical Minerals and Carbon Management Research at the University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources           
11/20/23 No Speaker Thanksgiving            
11/27/23 Lauren Harrison Colorado State University            
12/4/23 Carol Frost U. of Wyoming Creating Continents: Archean cratons tell the story          
12/11/23 No Speaker AGU            


Contact Us

Department of Geology and Geophysics
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071-2000
Phone: (307) 766-4141
Fax: (307) 766-6679

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