Tim Etzkorn
Tim Etzkorn
Assistant Lecturer
Tim Etzkorn is an Assistant Lecturer for the LeaRN program. He has taught classes
on composition, rhetoric, public speaking, technical writing, academic and career
success, and food and identity. Tim is writing his dissertation, titled “Food and
the Constitutive Rhetorics of Masculine Identity: a Tale of Beef, Whiskey, and Corn,”
which unravels how mythic American foods participate in establishing gendered sensibilities
and the role subsidies have in shaping these identities. Outside of teaching, Tim
enjoys hiking and biking with his spouse, son, and two dogs.
In progress: Ph.D., English, concentration Rhetoric, Indiana University
M.A., English, University of Wyoming
B.A., English, Regis University
Recent and Upcoming Courses
Academic Success Skills
Expository Writing
First-Year Composition
Food, Identity, and You
Listening for Community Change
Technical Writing in the Professions
Selected Awards
Culbertson Teaching Award, Indiana University